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Show DRY FARM STOCK FATTENING Monotony and Unattractlveness R moved by Diversity Animals Art , Essential Factor, So far. the live stork fattening problem has been discussed only from the viewpoint of the dry farms needs, but the question has also an' other side. Not only does the dry farm need live stock, but the products of dry farms are needed for live stock fattening. Many dry farming sections are In clone proximity to great ranch In districts, which ralHe stock but cannot produce forage to Qnlxh It for market. In the past ft has been often necessary neces-sary tu transport range cattle great distances to feeding districts.. If the dry farms In the vicinity of these ranches could supply the necessary products, It would simplify considerably consider-ably the problem of preparing for market. This need of the products of the dry farm Is especially true, since an Increasing proportion of the word's production of grain, will be necessary for human consumption. Dry farms can be made more stable financially and more certain of permanence per-manence by the use of stock, and the live stock fattening problem can be simplified by dry farms. Let us now Inquire Into the effect of this combination combi-nation on those who are to live on these farms. The average dry frrm of the past baa not been the most Inviting In-viting place In the world to live. Meager accommodations both for man and heast hnve been the rule. Under these conditions, life Is bound to have much of monotony and but little of the diversity and attractiveness attract-iveness which a farm home should have. No great things can be expected expect-ed from a country life of this type. If the dry farm Is to be a desirable place of residence, It must have Introduced Intro-duced In Its life all the diversity possible. pos-sible. This diversity cannot well be had without live stock of some kind. Keeping In mind these various considerations. con-siderations. It becomes evident that the iiircessful dry farm of the future will be one In which the live stock Interests will be combined with crop production; and It seems probable that finishing for market will be one of the phooea of the live stock Industry Indus-try which will be most benefited by the dry farm and from which the dry farm will profit moBt. |