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Show Mrs. Florence Pace Professional Midwife Graduate from York Road Lying in Hospital, London, England. DELTA . . UTAH &latr Sank of (DaBtu Does a General Banking business and solicits your patronage, latarest oo Savings Collections Made Manr Transmitted Aaywbare C O. W. PIERSON. CASHIER The Wright House Is tbe place to stop when you come to Hinckley. Next to Pratt tiros, store. Comfortable room, jjood muni and accommodation fur teams. Hinckley : Utah C. A. Broaddus.MD. Physician and Surgeon, Occulist IM'.SKKKT ! to 10 a. m. HI NCKLKY Afternoons at the Ca-h iJrujf Store. PIIONKH AT lr H (H-I ICKS S. W. Harder & Son We carry the Celebrated SUNFLOWER SHOE AU tizei at tka Waal prical Dreu & Work Shirts, Bats & Underwear For Mea sad Boy Ladles furnished vilh everything from a hairpin to a veid'mg dreu Leamington Utah Verne Bartholomew . VETERINARY SURGEON Calls made to any part of the County Charges Reasonable Phoo at Residence Fillmore - Utah Ray & Greenwood LANDS EASTERN MILLARD a specialty U' teO Improved Farms, Dry Land, at Hornctcad Relinquishment Fillmore, 222 judge Buildinf Salt Lake City Delta Meat Market Carrie a full line of rrcnlmrnl Curt'd MenU Vegetables, Fruits, and Canned (lootta My trade is growing, but I am able to kep my customer cus-tomer supplied with all goods in my line Orders bj Mu r Teltphoo Premplly Folci ans Delivered Win. .lonkins, Delia The Walker Hotel Comfortalile Itooms mi Good Mt-aW for Travelers ami Trmnirnt Ftalil. Corral ami Feed for Teams OAK CITY - - - t'TAll Hinckley Meat Market and Grocery I carry a full stock ol Fresh and Cured Meats Canned Goods Grocerie and Vegetable Trade with me (or I can suit you with fresh Roods at reasonable prices Tho W. Cropper Hincklej Carey Act Lands The desirable lanrN in the went are Mng rapidly taken up and the opportunity to acquire ac-quire a farm at a low price ami ou easy terms will not long remain open. The best chance bow offered ia that of th Delta Land and Water Company, Millard County The water for irrigation purposes is taken from the Sevier River, one of the largest atreama in Utah, by one of the largest and most complote irritation systems iu the State. SOIL The noil Is a clay and sandy loam, the wasS of the mountain streams for centuries, of unknown un-known depth and unexampled fertility. It ia capable of producing from four to six tone of alfalfa hay per season. Alfalfa seed yields from $0 to over $100 per acre. All kinds of grain yield abundant harvests, and vegetables of every description grow to a perfection unexcelled anywhere else. Domestic Water and Climate The finest lithia water for domestic purposes is found at a depth of about 12f feet, rising to from 15 to 25 feet of the surface. No purer or more pulatable water can be found nnywhere. The climate is mild in winter with little snow ind no bliuards. The summer days ara warm and sunny with no storms to iatarfare with harvesting the crops. Tbe night are always cool. Markets One of the great advantages of the Millard County lands ia their nearueas to markets. Salt Lake City, the best market in the west for everything the farmer raises, is only a few hours away, and the nearby mining camps also afford excellent markets. If you want a farm in this splendid section write for prices, terms, maps and illustrated descriptive matter to National Trust &Savings Co. SAM'S ACJKNTS Salt Lake City, Utah SCENIC NEW TRAIN SERVICE of the Denver & Rio Grande YAOT?! rt lB.J'Bt..e....A.s's.sB'll.lBan W JlLtU N CoNFCTION WITH SANTA FE ROUTE THREE BURLINGTON ROUTE FAST ROCK ISLAND ROUTE TRAINS MISSOURI PACIFIC EAST UNION PACIFIC TWO NIGHTS TO CHICAGO ! THROUGH TWO NIGHTS TO 51. I OUIS , PPnrne THREE MGHTS TO NEW YORK I SLLLrLKb choica of Rom CHICAGO Fm (urll. iulormmma n tny D ft R. G. Agti as adili'w KANSAS I. A. BENTON, G. A p. D. 1y Slt I L Cr CT I ri! HQ F. A WADI.EIGH. C. P. A. 31.LUU10 Dntrl Colorado i ' 1 CALIFORNIA Jpu The ideal place to spend your - VACATION Standard Drawing Room V? ' TD L compart, bxcursioii Kates "It"1' . Tickets on sale April 2V, 30, Also Iourist soil i c c May I, 2, 3, 4 and b. Sleepers. ... J . . '. , I inal limit June LI. Free For literature. tieke! ami inforniSttiitn, r sny Reclining salt lakk hol tf. Ag-m -r r te to Chair Cars. , jj M.DJerfieU( A a P Sftll Uke Gty |