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Show ? PRESS ASSOCIATION MEETING. i, The regular quarterly meeting or the dull Press Association wan held at the - rnlvcrsliy of t 'tiih I a l Monday, with r ii kiiimI attendance of the scribe of the " mate. Interesting and Instructive pu per were rend and discussed by those present, Mini an elegant banquet wan nerved In the lunch room by the young ladles of the Kpsllnn Sorority. I're.ti-dent I're.ti-dent Kingsbury and the heads of the union schools of the t'nlverslty gave Interesting talks on the work and needs of the big Institution and Mrs. VunCott, dean of women, spoke slrong-ly slrong-ly on the need of u wuniaii's dormitory. The bond to provide money for tint ' new Central building have Just been . sold, and thin much needed building will be commenced In a Mhort time. ' The Institution is doing splendid serv ' Ice for the utate and our legislature ; cannot be loo generous with their appropriations. ap-propriations. Through the courtesy of Manager I Pyper, the scribes had the pleasure of seeing "Salvation Nell" at the Half Lake theater In the evening. The midsummer meeting of the As soiiatlon will be held In San t'ete county and their fall meeting will be at Tremonton, the center of the famous fruit district of northern I'toh. |