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Show X Lm, : , ,r ,,,,,,;,, For Infants and Children. SfflSTOIii T8 Kind You Have Always Bought I'll ALCOHOL J FER CENT iji I AXirfifKiMe Preparation for As- B l similotingiheFoodanxIReguIa- nPflrfl mA M . 3 ling mf Sloths araJlWrnW "OvJuiO IUU w . pi;i;iFag3 Signature JJ Si1 ProinoIrsDigcitiort(Qrful- M L jr ?i nessamlRest Contains neither qj u Opium. Morphine nor Mineral w afil' Si, Not Nahc otic b M y i .mt,mSJ' 1 V 1 n I AW.Li. I 11 I ( (A in A perfect Riwdy forforwllr- Vf Ji U S B U lion. Sour Stomach.DiarrtKKa, I ll iV w w Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- I kj ncssand Loss of Sleep I If rfir llVPr '.:;C FacSinwW S'.ntu of I &.e 1 Thirtv Ypnrq O TmcCentauh Company, I II II If lUulO j NFTNV YOHK. j yGuarantre.1 under the Fuodasj) HM MRM Pj J II J Jfl'l Eaact Copy of Wrapper. . am. BBBBBaaaaaBaBaBBBaaaaBBaaaaBBi Answer -Yes orNo Does your watch tell the truth? If not, brlntf It to u at once. We can make it answer truly. What time Is it'. Only experts employed. All work- guaranteed. "hum re au las s cjix. utah j: Sheep Men jfgL When you market your rT C"P' dr-P08' some of I your money by mall, and let it draw 4 per tpjlSrW C6nt compound Inter-ia&iSL? Inter-ia&iSL? est in a savings ao-count ao-count at the Tower of Strength" Walker Brothers Bankers Send for Ilooklet. Salt Lake City INCUBATOHS Alti-r eiperlmentlnf with many makpanf Inro-baton, Inro-baton, we ftml that the Cypher, Jubilee and llui'kefe ara the tent potwIMe machine In tins tuturmouulaln country. Prleet from H to t Poultry Catalog-lie tree. Vogeler Seed Co., Salt Lake City RUPTURE Seeley't Spermatic Shield Tad jil'ly Do "P" T1,e ir 'OU Croon Exclusive Agents for Seeley's Spermatic Shield Truss A fltleil to the (V.ar of Huia anil nnw lined ami uirve1 hy the L'nitcl 8ttt goveru-rnent. goveru-rnent. Our lru inter at mir Nn. 1 tore, hecnnil 8outh and WmI Temple, who wan an-nlralerl an-nlralerl with lr. Keeley while In thin city, li equipped tu handle the incut iitietltiatc cu'l. Correapondane Solicilad. Schramm' Johnson Drugs Tke Never Subitiluiori Five (5) Caod Store. Salt LU City na-Vl'iVHl A POSITIVE and PER-t:rttii& PER-t:rttii& MANtNT CUKE F0H pr? Drunkenness and llsLiaaj Opium Diseases. TWra k a raliticllr, aa ticLMn. I Ji trt.t.4 nv.tflr m Uir "w ane. THK KKELbY l1!-illllilt, l1!-illllilt, 114 w. S..iV ItmpU StrMi. S.h L.k. Cur S U 7 AC1 Onnd S.-e,i., the Hir Heed Book telli of the beit eed and varle-ti"' varle-ti"' that you t-u trow In thla weolern country, -our l,o..k In free: a pndal card will bring you ' roiy. Ilvtter und that poklal twlay. Vogeler Seed Co., Salt Lake City Prosperity for One Benefits Others The size of the Fruit Crop in this section materially ma-terially affects every industry in-dustry doin business in this territory. Tor this reason we are paying particular attention atten-tion to our i'rost Warning iSm'Jc. United States Weather bulletins will he furnished our suh-f.crihers suh-f.crihers accurately and promptly and dangers to the crop from rest blkiht reduced to a minimum. No extra charge for this service. Are you prepared to receive these warnings at your place? If not, fw'.n a contract now?, and avoid vain regrets later. F iale and aetTtce tall the aeaieat local maoaget. The Intermountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. POTATO KS f,,ltre are rmei.l.leemp an 1 c d I ai.ltl ne .r Hm a hh a :" ' 1 r.,,,l,t m,m 1" ear. ol Montana a-l 1 .1 p-.iti.N- rt Ihe . iiu '' (' ,,r.ti.linr k r ry .,. Il.t" l(,,r... i-m.. K.K-.-U. an-l V h.te h-f kM"" rr .-e -eit-!"'" I fjetrarf ! S"" a t. c rr., ..ft.tt- th f' , - VtfCKLER Stt 0 CO.. Salt - Cit. Uial Why Should a Chicken Lay a Soft-Shelled Egg? ! Because, Willie, trie chicken don't know liow to create a ktrd-nfieHed egg urJesi it has some food with lime in it. So chicken-raisers often provide limestone gravel, broken oyster slidls or some other form of lime. Let the clucken wander free and it ' finds its own food and behaves sensibly. Shut it up and feed stuff lacking lime and the eggs are soft-shelled. Let's step from chickens to human beings. Why is a child "backward" and why does a man or woman have nervous prostration pros-tration or brain-fag? There may be a variety of reasons but one tiling is certain. If the food is deficient in Phosphate of Potash the gray matter in the nerve centres cen-tres and brain cannot be rebuilt each day to make good the cells broken down by tho activities of yesterday. Phosphate of Potash is the most important element Nature demands to unite albumin and water to make gray matter. . Grape-NuU food is heavy in Phosphate of Potash in a digestible form. A chicken can't always select its own food, but a thoughtful man can select suitable suit-able food for his children, 'wife and himself. "There's a Reason" for Post urn Cereal Company, Limited, Battle Creek, Michigan |