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Show oi j STAKE MEMBERS INCREASING h, r. Reports of Progress In Every Depart-V Depart-V ment Presented st Annual Confer-j4 Confer-j4 nct of Women's Relief Society. o n a' Palt Lake City nVP hundred dele- gates were present at the opening s -b-H slon of (hi- . "! npi-..-.- 1 Jf ference 0f the Women's Ilellef icoclety, Jt 111 the AxHciiiuiy n.u,, uu ,. . . j ,j meeting were held on the opelilujj day. morning and afteniiMiu. id rn tiiiietit Kmniellne H. Wells, in a ' short address, called the opening sea. slon to order at M o'clock. A resiKinse in Ix-half of the vlsltltn? n iletegiuiH was made by Mrs. .Ii-hann ih Jensen (sf Vunit-h stake. Joncpii F, o. Fniith, jr., apok(. on tlenenlogy." Il IS urged ineinbers of the not-let y to keep a complete record of their faml!rn v and ornphnnized the lmpor;nnce ol v" sut h records. Mrs. Julina I.. Smith, counselor to I'resldent Wells, aluti ' spoke In regard to family records. A violin nolo by MIb Romania llydo ix closed the morning session, e In his address at the afternoon ses-it ses-it slon President Joseph F. Smith tie-ie tie-ie t-laiod that the Women's Relief society Is the most Important organization In '.he church, lie also made reference to '.he seventieth iinnlvcrnary of the. ! funding of the society, Much 17. Ad- I dresses were alsn made by Mia. Ho J becca Ktandrlng, Alpine stake; Mrs n Minerva Know Hon, Davis stake; Mrs J Sarah Ktahl. Hox Filler stake; Mrs w Leonora T. Harrington, f!run:te stake ' I!iitles stake reports, two interest Ing talks were given at the mornlnc meeting on the f.th. Mrs. Siisn Voiiiih Gates of the general Ixwird and Mrs n Marilla Iiunlels of I'rovo sp ike, n Mrs. Mnrilla Daniels of I'rovo Is on sf thp. few persons now living per J sonally nctiuaintetl with the frophet Joseph Smith, hi her nldress she told J ')f the many fine (pialltles of the ceb t brated founder of the church, rtid 1 Q his wonderful perseverance and nientr;) . ftiergy. d The principal speech of the after I- noon was made- by Ir. James K, Tal d mage. Mr. Taltnage spoke of the won derful work accomplished by the He J lief society and the renown It )i:k I achieved. .. Membership In the stakes Is liicrear n In;? rapidly arid attendance at th d meeting has be-n so large that thr halls are overcrowded, according to re ports by stake presidents at the last day's session of the Woman's lit lie! " society. Mrs. Mary Ollorton. l'arowan (j stake; Mrs. Jennie Hotter, Carbon stake, and Mrs. Hannah Crosby, Han-. Han-. guitch stake, gave detailn. |