Show AT HOME AND ABROAD march 26 25 A special to the tribune from Winni winnipeg pegg mao man yo y the remedial of the the governor general in council calling upon the government ROVern ment of manitoba to restore to wile roman boman catholics Ca ibolica their parochial or 0 separate ep araie school reached the city this morning it was addressed adu to the nent governor anti ami by him war wao to the legislature which was V sitting kung in ID road ineas to receive it the legislature was crowded with am M intensely earnest gathering when the important document won delivered ift was wai voluminous and reviewed ali she taken before the privy council bouncil ot of england bony body dt dc caled that the catholic of manitoba bau a grievance and that the governor general in council connoll oon noll had bad the power and ad authority to grant redress by a remedial order after we abe order had been read it ww wao said laid ou on the table for future considers uon tuat that the order will be may masy be taken tor for certain A sensational feature of the trouble today was the announcement that the Io dominion cabinets cabinet which has baa just buei passed too toe romed remedial lai order had bad IMP ap pointed une one of ito ISO members huo hon H A Cast terson as aa minister mi olater of militia 1 t take the place of premier pre aier greenway way this change Is believed by we the maid manitoba government govern mett to mean that the Domin lou authorities want a man as aa goviera govi ern r more pliable t their wishes man march 25 the ader forwarded by the do government to the manitoba WAS waa received here touty tony an that abe manitoba manituba Mani tuba too law ot of 1890 abolish log ing ibe roman catholic oli bud and shut they give first the right to build maint airl equip manage conduct slid aud support ig 10 tb abe manner provided lor for by the statutes statute ebion werk wart repealed by the ibe aota acts ot of 1890 bound tue to share bare proper in BUY gjalt M dauie out oui 01 the public funds for tle purposes of won aton the right or of exemption 0 such och roman botbol 0 irom all payment or to the support ol 01 any iter nobu olp CW YORK march 26 A to the alti corid irom from hasain eton ay tue the pr of the abe lob m u cotry lu in senor sedor ac tul tr tor to abe states and naming BB all bib ir senor dupue f do 1 lome is IB taken ky the ibe state utmar ocean magal am aa so au indication ot f the on oa we ibe palliation Allia Doa tion iu will be frakl in a few dry day 1136 P A t records ol of canovas del castillos cabi lota burnish the only ground tur for ampre I 1 bension now that may dus at baoe once top reply orv to secretary dt df tor for a disavowal but the removal oi IB aa au act ot do small mall as aa it in ia the birtt ebaugh in apalia diplomatic service under the regime HARTFORD march 26 during the ibe post paal two doyr the ot of H eniet beecher bowe have been I 1 deluged with inquiries in quiri 88 to the oon X dialon of the noted novelist owing to the sIon in now new york of a story lory that she had become violently insane edward fid ward beecher hooker her i physician today issued a card in which he be states that mrs mr stowe Is in oetter cotter health than usual KANSAS CITY march 26 once rich anil and that lot many years yeara ago POS poe masing a wardrobe and diamonds dla monde deemed consistent with women it 41 their reputed means traveling in europe as aa wealthy tourists travel mrs alexander majors and her rett ra finally to kansas kamas city t i alf old home their ads nd in pawn thell theli costly wardrobe almost depict so and abid being no longer able to pay loi for even the meanest lodgings lodging they cou coh essed eseed to judge stone of the coulty court that they bey were destitute ano asked to be sent bent to the county pout pour house they are of the family of alexander majoria Majo rip once clawed claimed among the tb cinita a of county he de was one of the pioneer freighter across the plains the abe mrs majori who now to become a public charge to la his bia second wife she tolo told judge stone sue had a sister later living in whose husband was a millionaire but rather father than appeal to them or helps help she chose to gu go into the oblivion of the poor farm with her but laughter daughter alexander majors majore to ii one of the most moil widely known pioneers of the anut went want abbul abiul a year ago he be published publia beiJ a bouk abut travel on oin the plains in lilt ib early days daye he was an over overland Jazo freighter ind end a arienti of the noted F X aubri y he lived at West puria d aaili billi that place his bie lome home arma was waa mie ot of the firm ul of Rus runnel seii bijur Wad lits tl and add wu won rt quieu tu go be a mo man of u great wealth lu ula is palmy dyl dyc the noted mrs mies urt url river elmr oLes alexander alezander Aleza majors majora war wap named after him he would abot allow uis uia ti lj swear or abuse the annuala aud and he be alliy bel heli beli i ulvila wor olp in crossing the ibe plains agven tertule of late years deprived turn aim 0 ot I 1 oi 01 tir his meaer he use reou been employed d as aa a mining expert espert ireland irela march 26 A bok boigi gal arara nary case ul of ailaine trum from superstition WB was inquired luiu inlo by tio t io ai court ul oi five miles milea from here bere reu ren were arraigned beare tuc burt chat obliged god w liia ito mu murdering rider lug mr alry cleary tue prisoners auDen tbt tb murdered woman le husband sou aou father and the evidence showed bowed that tine ube was suffering fr fir m nervousness an aej i bronchitis aud and her bue baud be ber bar to oe be ba obtained a from a burbled la in ibi walla tae other prisoners pria onen hold held the u woman I 1 iu bed bad be lorcey doroe i me colic down ber after hir the suf firring momu was held beld over a fire anu ana dreadful y burned kuulii ohe deci declared ared that she was war bol ole cle use rye wife tajo torture was repeated oo on the lue following day sitar which he be her ber howo ripped dripped air tt ber cio clothing thing poured parti mue over hot ber madr wen lighted li it aud and the woman buried to in the ibe presence of six ix male and two fies female sale retail relative v deary declared that bat he b was waa not burning hla wife but that he be was waa burning a witch and she b would disappear up the chimney the husband hubband collected the charred remains and buried them the prison ers n who were remanded narrowly es e hosped lynching lunching lyn ching and had bad to be removed to jail under a strong force of oon eon astles tan les NEW youk march 27 A special deolal aroi fro i panama saye the government has baa issued a bulle urn tim claiming a victory over the rebels at boyses it was a costly one however for out of the troops under general reyes which formed the expedition 1600 1500 dropped oft off through fatigue or dit ease d urine during we mareb march and of the remain itly 1600 1500 which gave battle rebels aebela were killed before victory tested with the he gov emment force washington D C march 27 kenerl bissell will retire oo 00 0 april ah 4 h and wilson will formally toke charge BATH B S C march 27 late last night white men began firing bring on the assembled aarem bled to work on the now new mill of the aiken company the negroes were notified by liao whites to leave town in fifteen minutes they refused and the boot ing IDE followed MILWAUKEE march 27 the follow ng a e the be estimates timatea ea of loom by fet fire are toe the lugton estate on buildings Land nure sure co whole state sale ary golup benedict co clothing 1000 Y M C A rebel B ebel art store F P hopkinson smith painting ol uti aution marche co maudr co furniture barling wambold clota tog schlitz brewing william halman buit building dint matthew bros broa james morgan co dry goods 2000 the other losses are about making a total ot the t will aggregate 80 soper per cook ot of abe jow the milwaukee i bublic library was wa caved by a favorable shift ot of the ibe no couil ties occurred the burand district takes take botn sides ald oi of braid d avenue from third ii to jouitti streets except matthewa block ou on the south tilde bide and the build lulls east of the abe alley on the north side ide west wt et ut of fourth street birdet the corner of the public library building buil lagone la Is gone n the north and poster block and the he Y M 0 A building on the south P hopkinson Hopki naon smithy smith at pictures piu represent over a deaia bird work in europe it is not known whether he carried any insurance SAN march 27 the steamship arrived toua from H tue Tuela latest hawaiian contain oo 00 reference to the demand kaije ainali a by secret secretary ary gresham for a decoll ut of bluitt Mi nitter r thurston Thure too and it is evident no knowledge or of thin latest diplomatic incident loci deot has bae reached the hawaiian people boether the hawaiian govern went beut bagaty has at y knowledge know leege of the tate state of affairs at washington la in simply a visitor matter 0 conjecture martial law was waa declared off match march 18 the military commission boa baa been djou roe and a larger rs part of the lol Ders brou brought brough gb 1 body arel re working out kneir in thel quarries or on tie t se I 1 attorney general smith on being asked aaker what disposition waa was to be made of the ex queen said bald she Is IB already disposed ol of no advances have been made to the government on her part will be kept where she ebe li GREENWOOD GREEN WOOD ky march 27 one of 0 the most moat daring but unsuccessful attempts at as train rain robbery occurred at a m today in the southern part of kentucky when six men undertook to rob southbound train no 8 the queen and aad crescent Crea cent one of the six was wag killed outright one died this thio morning and a third giving the name of miller lies here severely wound ed ad the otner other three escaped eBo aped the train reached chattanooga today on time the reason for this summary disposal of the train robbers robben in lound found in the fact that fast some tidings of purpose bad been given to he railroad or express authorities and T B R Dri flau superintendent of police on the south orn ern road had with him on the train two trusty assistants toe train had just juat reached the south end of tunnel no ANO 9 a mile north of glenwood when the robbers signalled Bignal signal led it to stop they had scarcely arcely ec disclosed their purpose until griffin and his assistants si stants began offensive operations in ton tea minutes three robbers had bad bitten the lull dust and the other flown and too the train was speeding on its way no injury was waa suffered by any who were on the he oat train D W innella INN EPla man Marob 28 there was wag a decided sensation seo Bation at the close clone of the sitting laba night when the government announced it would adjourn the legislature on friday faday until may this thin means that the remedial order cannot be discussed before the adjournment journ ment the government says this salon action la Is taken to gain time to con elder eider tile the legal points involved prec tergast der gast the leader ot of the french catholic Cat bolio pary pronounces it a scheme boheme to force the Dimin dominion lon government to take immediate action the separate parate ae schools warfare is in to continue two mouths at least as premier greenway has bas publicly announced that the legislature will ad lourn on friday till fill may 9 b premier greenway says the remedial order is too important a matter to be dealt with by the house home and therefore deemed it wise to laae ample time to become thoroughly acquainted quain ted with the whole range or of we the subject the government has already submitted to eminent constitutional lawyer some of th s chief points affecting the jurisdiction jt it the legislature regarding schools it to Is by some flome local politicians thai au an early oi ot the dominion paita may be one of the possible results ut of the adjournment of legislature the washington march 28 the president has appointed the following i 1 adges of 0 probate of diab george H Fan Demore beaver county joseph houston garfield Garfi eid BAN FRANCISOU much march 29 A pretty eleven year old gwilt girl who saye her bar mothers mot bera name is in mrs lilian binkey nee nas been deserted here the girl say aab she came here with her mother from bialt lake city utah six weeks age go the mother put her child to board beard with mrs mra frank goodendorf Gooden dorn of eighth street strat and for tor wroe weeks called regularly to see her arbion her visits ceased and nothing has been beard from her since secretary me comb of ne be society for prevention of cruelty to children boa baa taken charge of the be girl BOSTON mass march 80 emms emma bentleys bentley the thirteen year ald ld daughter of george bentley ot of this city died last night at the city hospital boa pital from poisoning the fatal drug la Is supposed to have been contained in the coloring of candy which the girl ate last night dight samples of the candy will be analyzed and an autopsy will behold beheld DEXTER adi me march 80 ellas K hale one of the wealthiest and most moat influential citizens of dover shot himself in the bead last night and died soon after worry about his hie old ace him to suicide ou icide the deed was evidently carefully planned Dia nned for or when be went to his bie office after the noon meal he fixed his hia accounts and then men sent his bis office boy bey to an under taker saying he had some business to transact with him when the boy returned with the undertaker mr H hale ale was found lying on the floor in a pool of blood LINCOLN neb march 80 gov holcomb sent in 10 his bis veto of the sugar bunty bounty act but without avail as abe legislature promptly passed the bill over ills his veto it gives three eighths of a cent for sugar and a small bounty on en chicory cb loory the resolution censuring senator diewart for his bis infraction of the rules rulea yesterday was aa adopted opte the senator was am inclined to apologize for violating the rules but insisted that the sergeant at arief made a brutal assault upon him KEY WEST fla march 30 the following message has been forwarded here bare by one of tue the several correspond ants in cuba in camp manzanillo march 20 this is for the information of our to in the abe united states I 1 would ask abe american people not to believe toe tag stories of insurgent defeat coming from government sources they rhey are false we are more than holding our own by the middle of june we will have men in the flold field we feel sure of the sympathy of all A americana ne ricans Olg atU AMADOR sy A passenger aril ving from havana today gives given it as an his opinion that the resignations of the captain general and the governors of the provinces will ort tie be accepted by spain the cubans laugh at soldiers beida soot sent over from spain they say any it is in almost certain that oat yellow fever will kill bill naif ot oi any number spain my may send over the insurgents are waiting for june when the sugar plantations will be idle to begin their active m movements ve ments sacramento march 30 80 the north bound was waa bela balci up by two men four miles north of wheatland about 2 jc lock this morning F ehni to anything lu the express car the robbers went back and started tj rob the passengers in the coach and smoker sheriff bogard of hokama county was on the train and opened fire on the robbers in the smoker kill I 1 ing one and was killed himself by aai an other robber several passengers were robbed the he dead bodies were turned over to the coroner at Marys marasville maryville Mar ville it was evidently the intention of the robbers t tea I 1 ope on ble bloy Yoles olea the body of sheriff bogard and that bat of the dead robber were taken to Mary oville where it was wai |