Show THEORIES OP OF THE FLOOD recently some attention has h been given la in the literary world to eions of the great deluge with which bible readers are familiar the foat fact itself la attested treated no low ie by tradition io among nearly every known ram race of people than by the mosaic account in the babylonian account dating at it in suppo upp oBed from the year B 0 or earlier the hero of ef the delugo la in ordered to build a ahle aud and to put into it his household and his wealth and the beto beasts of the field rain abon fell and a flood came that thai destroyed all life from the face of the earth at last lart the ship stranded on a mountain and the ballon lorts were rescued in all this narrative agrees with that of massa among egyptian Indi indiana ansh and various other branches brano hec of the human family allusions and traces gracea of an original at of a deluge may be found proving its propagation from a common a 9 of which must rest on ome bows fact that ban baa impressed itself indelibly on the winds minds of our race in 10 egyptian mythology ra ha the creator belak being disgusted with the of mankind resolved to exterminate the race when this thia was waa nearly done he be repented and swore not to destroy the human family fam ily again other mythologies contain similar st al lusious the question whether this thia flood was wa unive universal reial or partial in li aidain tain brought up A writer in a journal herr harr P F vota avob Boh 3 cla claim I 1 me to have made ft at discovery during daring a recent ot et in ID central asia alia abich be budke will fully folly explain the tradition common to so all aryan and Beo altic peoples the writer takes takei for granted thai comparative philology pro proves ves that list MOD men at some remote age left their hosep in central asia compelled to do so BO by circumstances and spread over the greater part of europe the flood he aay f drove them away he further states how while investigating a mountainous region in central asia aela he found the bottom of a lake at owe ome time had burst buret its rocky barrier and nd thrown its volume of water over the balkash plain and the whole w bole fralc caspian lowland forming a gets aea the size of the present mod mediterranean I 1 tor ranea a he argues the facts that the Ba ritala valley and Dechun garla still present exactly the appearance a pe arance of a sea bottom that has conf only recently dried that the water marks are still to be so BO plainly seen and indicate no rising and falling due to later movements that the Kap mountain has not yet lost its polish gli gla weathering and that the results of the out ilow flow of the Moin mongolian gollan sea remain till the present resent time show plainly that the out S low ow of this sea must have taken place not ot in a remote geological period but in recent times and indeed at a time when the indo germanio germanic and semitic races and the various mongolic peoples yet inhabited their primitive home sue such a frightful catastrophe could surely norfali not fall to make so no deep and lasting an impression on the people that witnessed it that its tradition would not be lost through thousands of years but bat would last till the present in the her guise of the story of noahs flood herr von schwarz accordingly takes taken the view that the delude was partial par lial affecting only the primitive dwellers in central asis asia the scripture narrative eyad and the Bayl onlan account however seem to exclude the partial theory if it be accepted 88 a a fact the water edi vered the bills under udder the whole heaven 9 1 which in hebrew idiom however may perhaps mean as a for far as an you could seel see 0 and that oat for a period of 01 t a whole year it is vain to deny that th the deluxe deluge was universal for the water would have hare reached a level io in a period then than again jf if the ata c is explained on the supposition of a vast mountain lake suddenly blu blasting sting down upon the plain wibb the che forge ot a thousand Nia garas no ship no ark could have lived in the torrent lisuch a come case the part pan explaining the rescue of noah must be regarded asa myth indeed with the au supposal phoel tiba of a partial deluge it t is in not olvar olar what prompted the building of an AD ark 4 all immigration to sooae some paint beyond the reach of the flood would have suggested itself as the more natural mode of escape it impossible to share in the enta enthusiasm of the german discoverer on thia abl sab oct but can the statement of a universal deluge to be explained on OIL rational rai lonal grounds gro unde Is there water enough in or around the terrestrial orb to cover its whole au aur r face to a considerable deatti in latter years an idea has been advanced that the sai eaith th in earlier stages of its existence must have been surrounded aided by vapory rings as saturn still lo 10 and an that these in the process of must have been attracted to the earth earths s surface aoe causing universal univ erfal deluges doitt oges at various geological epochs another less ie fanciful was w ad one of the most eminent and cautious hebrew BObo iara of the eighteenth century in him hie notes on genesis he be BUgge sugg ate toto that the interior of the earth undoubtedly holds bolda in immense cavities oceans of water that most mast have found its ita way there during the disturbances to which the surface ban bae been subjected these subterranean oco ansbe think sare vastly larger than any on the surface and he be gives hig hie reasons for this khia supposition it if now be argues through some ome mighty forcee such as aa cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions the temperature of this subterranean aub water was increased it would overflow by the channels that undoubtedly connect it with the oceans on the earth and these would in turn be forced beyond their bound arlea aries and overflow the surface of the earth in able way michael is accounts for the true merdido of tle the peculiar ex in day were ad the be fountains fountain of the great deep althe the oceta broken up and the windows of heaved were opened Y 9 showing bowing that the source of the water wax was froom the deep below an aa well ari aa from froin the sky above it Is is IR more than likely that HB dis iea are still to be maile made that will throw more light on this thia in ID tb the jt it to ia safe are to reject any explanation that contradicts the biblical statement tat ement of the facto because in the end the authenticity pr of the sacred acred record will be vindicated |