Show BULLETINS 38 AND 39 the utah experiment station hall ha kurd bulletins 88 and 89 ss 38 is IB ou on seepage waters gjud under flow t f r riv i v re durigg the summer of 1894 many measure meas urt monte were made cf the canals and tributaries tributa neB ries of ogden anu weber rivers to it possible whether water cluid be diverted aou applied to the furnace of cultivated areas in ID the upper valleys without injury to the priority users in the lower vallea valle jf P the preliminary which exten extended deti through ith july an aau august auguet a period hsuch too brief in ia which to bate bass accurate results storied to 10 demonstrate the accuracy of the following taie 1 tj ti at the diversion of water from a stream and ito 1 te applicant n to we the soil oli in the he upper valley in the early part of the irrigation leabon when water is abundant increases the available e aap U apty pty to the irrigators of the lower T valley arley in ID we the latter dart of the season 2 in most moat cases a time la Is reached usually about midsummer when no portion of the water diverted from the stream in the upper valleys reaches reathea the lower irrigators in IB time to benefit them bach diversion antl and use damage the irrigators irrl gaton ot of the lower val leyle if ye 8 in ID some instances the outflow from the upper valleys during july and au amuat was much greater this the be ii flaw although a larue large part of the ibe inflow was used for irrigation purposes 4 the behavior of waters water in ID any drainage system can be determined only alter a net session stun of carefully loabe extending over a period of years yeara and that much ill ibeling trouble and litigation auld be avoided it the state would collect the necess necessity aty data bulletin 39 89 treats of larm farm and orchard irrigation it reports results of a number ut of irrigation experiments moat of hem adem covering a period of 0 five yeura rhe first experiment which to lg diz dia cussed by A A mills to is the amount of 0 water to use for different crop and la is summarized as follows fol lowa 1 on clay od luil the maximum yield of botn both wheat and straw was ob food uy oy saturating abe soil approximately two iwo feet deep at each irritation or covering the with 2682 inches or of water d during the season 2 on this soil BOI there was wag a decree decre decrease aae of crop where either a more or jeaa iwo amount of water was wai used a 3 this maximum yield was wag cured by the abe ue u e ut of 26 2082 2682 82 sort inches which la is equivalent qui valent to a cubic toot per section or 27 hours nearly 4 t jo ie water that drained i rum the ye we irrigation was richer in fertilizing ibao ban when applied the total amount of i h bla to material added la is more than that ex 6 on clay soil containing more sand band i bey be yield laid of 01 gral bralo 0 wheat lacre vApid as aa tue the water increased up to 40 luchesi while toe the maximum yield of straw ws WB W B produced with 16 inches of water 6 ou on clay soil eoll containing lutle sand land timothy gave mixed results re though where the maximum amount f water inches was waa used abe aj yield id was waa toe do greatest grea teat 7 ou on clay soil roll containing more and asand the first crop of clover increased stood uy ly 0 and nd rapidly rum irum the use ot of 42 ah inocea s of water up to inane inocea the application ot of 62 52 inches mure more of at water Ile the crup crop nearly oust oue half these theae bulletins bullet loa may be had on application ati to tile experiment station la ijo gao utah i |