Show LETTER FROM STOCKHOLM STOCKHOLM OLK march 3rd ard special to the baws king oscar returned yesterday to from chris and was met at the central depot by thousands of people who tendered him an ovation there seems to be only one opinion in sweden in regard to the kings ultimatum to the that he has fui fulfilled filled his duty as a union king and should have failed to do so it he had bad granted the demands of the extreme left it is as yet not decided when he will leave for again but his bis departure will probably take place within a very short limit oi of time there is no news from the theater of political war in norway all negotiations in regard to a solution of the consular and diplomat question having totally failed the rhe following report is is given out in in regard to the kings latest conference with steen the ex minister of state the crown crowd prince was present at the meeting during which very violent language was used on both sides king oscar was deeply deep ay moved nearly to tears steen had very abruptly bidden goodbye having expressed the hope that the kings ultimatum will unite all nor begian patriots while the king during the course ot of the conversation left the room for a moment momen steen i said to have asked the crown prince how will this end receiving the following answer the kings decision is irrevocable f V prince carl celebrated his thirty fourth birthday last wednesday and a banquet was given in his honor by ex minister of state akerhielm Aker hjelm and his wife the stately mausoleum of john ericsson n at Fil filipstad Filip istad stad will be finished in a few months more and the coffin containing the remains of the great inventor will be transferred from the sacristy of the church where it has been deposited since ince 1890 to the sepulchre either on july aist be the birthday of ericsson or september isah the day of the arrival of the baltimore at stockholm from new york it is hard bard to tell how many american firms industrial and insurance companies anies are represented in sweden gen anyhow there are a good many of them of 01 those american companies doing business here none however has a higher reputation than the mutual life insurance company whose general agent is mr C A E bolinder part owner of one of the largest machine shops in the kingdom mr bolinder who is also english vice consul in stockholm was as sume time ago made a knight ot of the order of vasa by king oscar an appointment which may be regarded as an acknowledge ac mint of his magnificent representation of the great american company crown princess victoria has from rome sent a letter of condolence to mrs goessel widow of the captain of the ill fated elbe the swedish crown prince and crown princess having some years ago made a journey aboard the imperial steamer sachsen isachsen Sac hsen while the latter was commanded by captain goessel mr thomas ferguson the american minister to stockholm has just returned here after having spent three months partly in paris partly in the united states sigrid arnoldson the petite swedish cant atrice was given an ovation while taking the part of mignon 11 at a gala performance in nizza a few days davs ago A grand shooting tournament will take place at almager near copenhagen next be september bep pt ember over one thousand rifle men will participate according to the latest statistics the po population of is now showing an increase of people during 1864 your correspondent had the opportunity of visiting the small city of vad stena a few days dabs ago vadstena Vad stena which existed as early as 1348 has only 2200 inhabitants but is one of the richest cities in sweden in regard to ancient reminiscences on the shore of lake lies an old casile which was built in 1545 by gustavus 1 I who was married here to catharina the castle presents a stately appearance has several towers and is surrounded by a wide deep moat the castie was subsequently bequeathed by gustavus I 1 to his son prince magnus who once while temporarily insane threw himself from a window on the second floor into the moat beneath it was here that charles XII after his return from turkey met his sister eleonora on the arth of august 1716 shortly after this the castle was allowed to fall into decay being afterwards used as a granary vadstena Vad stena has also an old cloister which was built in 1383 it was dedicated to saint brigitta who died in 1373 and was canonized by the pope in 1391 in 1393 her bones were transported to the church and enshrine enshrined there where they are still to be seen in the sacristy enclosed in a casket cover ed with red velvet originally they were enclosed in a silver casket which however was melted down and made into money by johan ill III the cloister was condemned and the nuns driven out by charles IX but the old church still remains in the chair is to be seen a magnificent monumental tom tomb b supported r arted I 1 by fourteen corinthian pillars of brince prince magnus the fourth son of gustavus vasa and the graves of two queens and men of historical fame are also to be found here upon the ruins of the old cloister a lunatic asylum has now been established providing ac for over three hundred patients but much of the od cloister building still remains the manufacture of lace is carried on in the town to a great extent the celebrated vadstena Vad stena lace being much appreciated not only by the whole of sweden but also by foreigners especially american tourists visiting the country |