Show TEA OR TOE NAIL farmington FARmiNG FAB Tox april 1 1896 1895 at our cur stake conference on the 3rd ard of last jat month elder heber J grant to iu ape peaking 91 king on the word ot of wisdom WiB doro made mention of offensive articles artio arti cies iee being found in tea that created such a disgust iti in the minds minda ot of those finding the artl elps and others of their friends that they could not afterwards bear to drink it many others who continued to use the beverage would carefully examine the be same when preparing it that such examinations are naces ry I 1 enclose ample evidence to prove the ame belna being part of a too toe nail on ad in a package of tea by a family residing alding re in farmington and two places piece of natu nature natures rePs too toe protector found in a pasi package tage oj at tva tea by a family residing lit in bountiful the one nail was wa found the day ay after conference and the two just juet one week later both families famili ei are atri t temperance people now or teetotaler teetotalers tee talen as regards tea an aa they have not dot tasted it since making the their irdle die co and do not dot think they will have use for any more in the future tea trade PP BR as written up by prank frank carpenter for the NEWS of march no doubt accounts for the too toe nails the letter tales that be saw a coolie with a portion ou of his bw scanty supply of clothing off and picking out of the seams certain unmentionable animals which be cracked between his hia JJ finders angere and ate A moment later I 1 saw flaw that same coolie with his pantaloons oni pulled up to his hie kneed standing blanding in a box of tea which was about aboul to be shipped hipped to england and treading the leaves within it in order to pack them closely to ship chip theno them ip C T |