Show IAN AN AMAZING INCREASE pawing by one of our large public the other day arhea the children were coming out for noun keoves a peculiar feeling to suggest looking on forst fora few moments anin an inquiry elicited the information that some eight bundren pupils poplin were there enrolled and mental arithmetic antti metlo began to 0 o figure out the probable school attendance of this city and then that of the territory this yung y ung element seemed full of animation their general appearance betokened home care quite a proportion were very good cookii g and eardly a sickly one was seen in the romping crowd the majority speedily tell into one game or another and while there was wonderful diversity and evidences evIdence 8 of individual tempera ment the listless list lees boy or girl seemed to nave been eliminated at least tor for a lime fuere was every appearance ot of general health and any prediction other than that these would all reach mature life would have been promptly prom rais cLed children of the kindergarten grade were absent looking into the iture without any attempt at as speculation on individual destiny so to speak ia K was a very ready conclusion that in lon ion years two thirds of all that num nom oar her would be married and some increase and that the ibe other olber third would bave passed the threshold of and womanhood with a not distant proba probability ot of sors into cue marriage relation these probabilities are equal all through the territory and there need as aa to utah laorae la oraa with all the be precision preola ion of arithmetical progression aalon for it 16 la is sale aie to conclude mat every school house bouse at this curium mation will be just juat as full as aa a now ow and other buildings build iuga erected lo in the abe interval will be equally crowded and that generation if it may be called such aboh will be b crying just juit as aa anxiously as ours oura glive give us ua room that we may dw dwelia elit the abe prophet ame political economists eoon the philosopher seen from their sever al points of observation are doubtless doubt lw more or less leaa concerned as aa well as aa oun confronted by the possibilities of this great intermountain luler mountain increase the first sees in it the he realization of things said and predicted in the age agai past we second keooud perchance Con ellidee that thag intelligent oun ol of human function become a political 0 bud and the philosopher looking fr far ahead make aa to probabilities of maintenance whether the land will be made more productive now new industries created or what will be the condition of 0 society whether aa to the creation or distribution of the products of labor in a little while all the available land in utah will have been taken up aud and it if the reservoir system to la adopted land jand now valueless value leaa will be utilized most moat likely also aleo lose leea water and mure more cultivation will allow of the use of now neglected land and compel that in use to be vastly more prolific utah people hardly realize as aa yet the wonderful fecundity of soll when manipulated with the intent of seeing what it emu can really produce one author anthor wrote a book called ten acres enough another took half that amount but many experimentalists have surprised the be slipshod farmer by getting gettin if rich on even lose leaa than that no matter if cultivation should per force become high lu in utah land after all Is IB exceedingly buob of a change hm has taken place since lace the th days day of the pioneer this to is yet in be arid be t and irrigation la is as aa 3 today as ag it was when the ancient 1 canals of utah were built and many of 1 tier her valleye valley B had a teeming population it is an old and trite laying baying that ai ri culture in IB the baste basis of all stable pro but every man and aad all his hg som BOD and douel BOUB cannot rely directly on this as a a profession no 30 argument can come from that every man should own a piece of land for that to la be yond question not such a plem piece however as boomers have made their limit for it was waa not originally orial nally intended that this should be the rule that being of mans invention A higner weadom seems to have decreed that mankind should spread over the face ot of all this the land to the extinction of eltges which are mainly centers rif of evil with all their good or like warty excrescences morally upon the body po politic litle given the land with ample room and verge enough many are needed to meet a self community s desire bread meat clothing should be home produced butter egge chickens obio kene pork and chegne belong to every day use uge and a well regulated community should for thew thee staples ata plea be independent of the world sugar fruits vegetables are outage ou tige any market save the be home one and thanks to the indefatigable labore labora of commissioner musser and the liberality of the government the flab supply will likely increase with the needs of the he population awhile inmost in moat of these directions utah is almost al moat a full she could do 40 more and better as ai to clothing she could sustain another or two sugar factories and it would be possible to stop atop the importation of chickens eggs and pork she to raise her own fruit and vegetables vegetable a and probably ship some but ever even bill all these will fall as aa to employing this ever increasing population iron in all its multitudinous apro ducts should be a utah industry all ordinary crockery stoneware and RIMS should be home produced furniture should come from rom the skill of cifa artisans the lumber being imported the nursery and seed business should be local silk raising should flourish A good paper mill should utilize our waste or original material until there was enough brick rook rock marble onyx plaster planter cement and asphalt should bo be as common as native alt the growing of canal gre the founding of tanneries canneries tann eries and shoe mm making aking should go hand in hand until import impart and export come to more of an equilibrium coal coke copper silver add all ail mining products should be increased by extension of experiment and output of product develop the waste places and equalise equalize equa lise the conveniences and finances of gee sections now remote from each other it to Is evident that the marvelous marve loua in crease of utah e population will tax the attention of thinking men stid and women more closely daom year to yew because provision must conlie come from the more experienced boys and alris cannot plan for themselves that faculty is ie exercised mainly after 3 eaas eftra of life and contact with the nece necessities Jues thereof responsibility to is not emu assumed mod suddenly Bud denly although it may in time be come burdensome and exhaustive this statement adir bv been presented for many years even when the etty tty was wag much leu lea than it is now when these thae tons ot or thousands of newcomers nad had not made their advent to in this thia pro tation they do vot not cannot realize the situation nor are they t blame for their Dres presence snoe here at this juncture when the outlook la is serious and every family Is ia affected by it father business men bishops politicians olans capitalists leaders of men and speculators what is your idea of abe prospects of the situation can you divine the future or point out the locality where this or that can flourish can you aid or bit upon any plan will give labor and remuneration to the unemployed so that in austry and morality the twin sisters asisten of healthy progress may have scope io in these theae broad valleys for their grandest unless measures mea aurea prompt and decisive are inaugurated for home industry large numbers of our young men will have to go beyond the boundaries of utah for the opportunities denied at home still again this may be the program the handwriting on the wall or the finger ot or destiny indicating that atie influence of utah ball abail boundaries are no more that her conceptions of liberty and truth ruth shall modi ty fy the he thought bought and action of this thia nation and eventually that of others the gothe little leaven PI placed in their measures mea eurea of meal operated until the whole lump jump was leavened the little tone ap out out from the mountain without hands bands was eventually to fill she whole earth it may be that stone atone already has haa begun begho to roll may be that leaven already has haa begun to work and long after its ita origin Is ia forgotten by those affected 29 sted the historian tracing effect to 4 muse sias be stream to its fountain the revolution to its ita give to the people of destiny of butali that credit which they will willingly refer to the arbiter of nations and king of all the earth |