Show PENNSYL pennsylvania VANIk conference preston cova CoW Va marob march 26 ih 1895 the elders who had bad been in the pennsylvania conference together with the newly arrived elders elden from utah met tn in newburg on the instant of abe present month siad at 10 0 on the the 0 infer was convened J B R dark clark president of the he northern states bloo aioo was present during out our conference the first principles principle ot of the gospel were dwelt upon in plainness plat and simplicity also the scattering and gathering of israel was presented is in a plain but forcible manner elder emuel bach bachman man delivered two power ul tul discourses on the gathering of la rael and divine authority we WON were nut not favored with we presence ot of many strangers many of the people of wed virginia say aay that our doctrine Is good anu and agrees with the bible but bat when the elders eiden clow close their remarks by ying tying that joseph smith was waa a prophet they say ay that spoils boila atle wools dig course it seems the hardest part for them to receive verily this thia to a day of gleaning two priesthood meetings meeting were held hd the general authorities of 9 the 0 church were presented also alio tho the president of the mission and of the conference and all ail unanimously sustained the sacrament was waa administered ered and much valuable sud and kind fatherly advice was waa given too to too elders elder by elder dark clark and ai although the attendance of strangers str angers was wai small we had a spiritual api ritual least that will go with us ui to our conr fields of labor and give us ui trash fresh courage in our efforts to spread the truths truth of the everlasting gotel wilford roeder beeder president pre aident of the abe pennsylvania con conference forence and elder were honorably released tu to return home hom e elder george B mat i ou iou was chosen president of the oon con fd renoe elders eldera reeder beeder and durfee tart for home t this he I 1 at afternoon ter 0 elder clark will accompany them as an far fair as aa northern indiana where he expects 0 o stop and visit nil kindred following follow ing are the fields of labor to which the elders were assigned to lacor for the next aix months george B matson president of pennsylvania conference C W morris morrie wetzel co west went va emus emuel bachman Ba ohman uy ruse neff pratt allegany allemany Alle gany co maryland wm H holbrook heber balls independence preston co W va albert J allen alien A J Broder lok grafton taylor co W va james C alleo alle francis an cis webser V weston lewis C co W va B R A Por lLes martin B R land tomstown Tom Toms town franklin co penn yh raola the prospect tor for ft a bountiful beautiful harvest harreit is A battering as WB coald webb bat long M there li is mr precious bald mould that I 1 aft seeking for salvation Iv Atlon we intend to exert ours ou nelree elvee to find that one and to warn the io in habitants habitant of the judgments of a just act god that w be shortly poured out upon the earth ever praying for the triumph ol of troth I 1 remain your brother in the great cause of truth duefel DUB FEE clerk of conference |