Show WESTERN NEWS ITEMS A large forge number of orange tress arp arc baing ang planted out near mesa mea A T atle year abe do dellamar Del lamar jamar idaho nugget zate ZV te nye may the abe de a lamar hjamar company out last week four bars bare of bullion valued at 12 1 00 the petaluma Pet aluma courier wants wanto the city council to dispense with the abe curfew bell saying that the custom la is obsolete and no goad purpose ee montpelier examiner the idaho wool clip will be more desirable than ever this year the abeel wintered well and thea the staple to la of unusual length aad firmness who the have met at casper wyo and abet at the price of shearing abea the same wi ai last year seven cents per bond bead for corral tenders and wool suckers per day those southern california tawne that thai established rock piles lor the be use of oft rampa tramps have bare found that the number of worthy men in need of assistance has ha fallen on off at au an astonishing rate le now new telephone coma puny pany has haa filed articles of n D the cat ital stock of tbd company IS B of which has haab heon been actually subscribed the latest sensation at sao bail dlen on 01 la is too toe capture ot of what in ie commonly I 1 known as aa a rattle snake anake lizard 22 r if to lit litteral appearance li Is that ot of a rattlesnake witti wita logo jei but the lizard le tell tall la in devoid of rattles lee mining alining to la pitkin and the quartz erek creak district colo promises prom iBea to be very active clive this season already several everal new projects have been beao star latarte tot abich will add materially to ti the prosperity ol of the camp the shoshone wash landsom land coin pavy W F cody buffalo bill prea ideLt dOLt has baa fi 11 ed artic articia its of incur vi Dorat oration iuD at the capital tock eff it IN rho company oon con acres acrea of land an outer order was waa promulgated from rexy headquarters at denver on buta bata arjay u r a y prohibiting I ambling on tbt tb 1 11 it of tirs the or der applies tl IL auter Xu Ter as aa well as aa to the military rw reservation of the department dep ariment az W balu had his left log lex literally oft ft on while la illia a mine mide near frog tanks tanka dam A T A rock weighing il 7 tour four toija lula slipped from tue sue face of t he f drift upon his log leg the los LOB angeles angelea cal bimes says bratge now DOW coulto to lu like itie front with a new industry indu airy that or extract lof oil rom from eucalyptus leaves leavea through me dibelli g pru priti ceaf ceso at ai the ta elcue me the industry to li being earned carried ou on ri at garden grove portland wash of ficere have be gal 00 U a crusade against U ilaug I 1 ug a ores sell ing dg liquor and ai towing it Is to be drunk ou oil the pro mists it la eaid the solo oil akier it are ar beu inu thae movement ant aa abe be va bruic have out a slice lice irom from their pir prone I 1 IL A san ban bernardino county cal salt ali company boo ban built a hauie bf malt ib house tecum is bui t of blocks of suit cut like stood even tue fireplace door and window aills ill being of at the some material not a piece of anything an j thing else lee entering loto into its ita construction lana or E C bartlett writes a friend in lawler that his bia new DOW oil company has baa solo eold w jtb ol oi tro usury stock and that the oil industry will wiil boom in wyoming this season he will shortly commence work ot on their oil property properly and also on their mining claler daniel ao ed 66 a veteran of the late war suicide or at friday at sacramento oal cal by evering the arteries of the wrists with a knife abid bleeding to death he bati bao been in ill health for a tone long time ano irack liquor to excer he drew draw a monthly pension from the government the sacramento cal jasee may eay ju juige ige henry of tola this city no do doubt wears weara the belt to in california calif as aa the onam pion plon for officiating at weddin gp and he to ii proud of it toe the judge bar bab carnea couples and hopes soon boon tir t wake inake it it to la said that be alwawi kisses the bride in the most moat lover like lambion laB lea bion blou seven or eight years yean ago one of the hands on a farm oear near contral Oer itral point or kloct a in a A diligent search carch was waa made for the lost loit article tut but it jailed ailed to materialize lost wk week while the field was waa being plowed the watch wan wait brought to light again when wound it Is started and has hai kept kepi time lima ever since near medford or last week a four old baby of mr and mrs mn geo U i arelt was lying in a rocking chair vear rear the are place in which a hot fire was waa burning when another child two years old came up from behind and tipped baby chair and all it aito to the fire are ahe child was waa quickly res readied emed but DOI until all one flue ot of 18 luce face and neck were badly turned it will survive chat bump one of the few firemen who esca tiou alive from the butte mont explosion has baa just juat appeared ou on ibee street treet again lu I 1 u all he be had bad govendy two iwo wounds on his bli person and man of them hem were quite ugly pieces piece oi 01 stone iron anu wood were buried deal jee in his hii and bomert abib choice collection is in still there among the ono a abrao broo buried lu in the flesh fleig of bit bi lit jot arm near the shoulder boulder was waa a but ton ou which Is till still there the carson canon nevada awal appeal wiy one of the queer things about the tb blyly estate ire ie that bat in all the liti gallot now dow about drawing to a close no men tiou was waa ever made of By bythia tiia Ps child when he be liveo jived in piouse he tied had a daughter by a woman with whom he was wa living and he publicly acknowledged it many of the i rot ol 01 pioche remember the child and trotted it on their kneen abraham joner was killed on tuesday morning morn ilig while crying tj t rohe ro he a ol of two black oars cars at nu no 8 3 mm min rok wyo ho ki war engaged la in unloading slack black wuen a switch engine came io in with mor oar cars when J UCB nee topped ped io in between ibe cars can aa if to 0 01 uple and the araw boade passed anu crushed him blin to death deam almost instantly jones jone leaves leav a wife and two toy boy he was w 65 years yeara of mae age hon willard bennett of granite county says bay me he helena mont independent pawed passed over we the counter at t the away assay office yesterday yeat erday two rep re arts ot of gold the value of which will run something over there were ounces in the two re retort torta worth about 16 an ounce the wd gold was wae the reau t of thirteen and a halt half dy days 9 run of the lo 10 stamp mill of 44 tho the B R yal aal ald 0 ald mining company of gran ite 0 yol which mr bennett to the principal owner since the royal koyal started up in augut august 1893 it hw has not been shut down over two months in t be past year it has baa paid in during sunday school chool at word nord oal cal last laai du dunday it day rev smith pastor of the Method rt epise pal church and mrs mr ahi E M goddell boddell of the school had bad a wordy war as an tow to whether bother certain should be purchased rue pastor panor bad ordered the leodena to purchase tuam and one ae reused the discussion of the matter caused the pastor to declare tuat he wan wad the head of the establishment and mrs mn goddell god u ell in turn said bald that she he was waa she bee baa instructed the trea treasurer burer t he school not to pay lor for say any chartae and the pastor la Is determined to 60 have the ibe cuarte and establish himself aa ibe eho bead of the sunday school abool the congregation has ha taken sides idea and are aie considerably worked up over the matter |