Show INDIANA conference bloomfield oreene county indiana march 26 25 1895 an event long to 10 oe do cherished in the be minds of the elders of this the indiana conference lives to us impressive ly and sweetly only in memory the semi annu I 1 conference of this division of the northern states slates mission was appointed to be held at pulleys pulley mille Wllliam ron county ill ou on march and in consequence of which on the eve of the there were present at the home of sister sinter martha adams adame elder joshua R dark clark president of the mission mi aaion elder wm win 0 bentley Be niley president pre aident of the conference and traveling elders eldera wm A garrett ira E bradshaw Brada baw thomas 1 I allen alien brigham H telford nephi neph I 1 H HR rogers ogere cornelius 8 green samuel Q G spencer your humble bumble correspondent and elder germon buchanan who had just arrived from zion several of the neighbors and saints also gathered and a very enjoyable evening was waa spent which consisted of songs speeches epee obes social chat and she be elders in turn answer iniz the guest question ioD how E became a mormon 1 1 giving short abort impressive interesting and varied experiences experience and bearing testimonies to the truth of the cause espoused sunday mor morning march ditth dawned beautifully upon us and at 29 a m quite a large audience gathered at ai the she commodious little meeting house which had bad been erected for the pur purpose post by kind hands bands and listened with undivided interest to the servants of the lord in defending the truth kath against error in the afternoon at 2 pm and in the evening at 7 pm meetings were resumed and the day following was waa similarly spent the fun ja mental laws jaws and principles of truth and salvation the GOB pel being explained in a plain power powerful fut manner the speakers being accompanied by the holy spirit of promise monday evening elders levi B reynolds Hey and allen alien M archibald arrived having felt their homes in the mountains to assist in the hunting bunting of scattered israel from among the hills and holes of the rooks rocks tuesday morning the me heavens beavens were veiled with clouds and we assembled iu in priesthood meeting which begun at 9 am we received much valuable council and instruction from elder dark clark regarding our labors labor and the great responsibility ot of this lat ht ter day work was brought forcibly to our winds minds the elders eiden reported their bek respective fields in prosperous conditions and that the be feeling of prejudice on the part of the majority of the people is dying away and is being repaired bythe by the spirit spi it of kindness and in some oases cases inquiry inquiry the general authorities auth orRs of the church were presented and ad unanimously sustained in their sev several orial positions sis as was also elder joshua R X dark clark as president ot of mission allar samuel 0 G spencer as president of sea oon forence and elder david B R roberts roberta as secretary of conference we had toe the privilege and pleasure of partaking of the sacrament of the lord lordis Is supper together which was much appreciated by all tuesday evening at 2 pm and 7 pm respectively we held bold two wo well attended meeting considering the rain and mud and the blessings of the he lord were poured out upon us freely wednesday was spent in conversing convening singing and preparing for our departure in the afternoon we were joined by elder sterling D colton who had left his big home a few days previous to preach righteousness to a benighted people after supper we had a farewell gathering and a program was rendered consisting of songs farewell speeches and testimonies the testimonies were accompanied by that power by which they were given and were strong and convincing the desires of the flesh were overcome and th espirit of promise had bad free access and testified with the spirits of its servants va ate the free 1 I will nothing doubting but to press on OB to do thy will our fattier our duty it flowed from heart to heart as oil from vessel to vessel and so strong was the spirit manifest that mat it gave vent to in prophecy through prost prest dark clark thursday morning was one of unusual beauty and pleasantness and with it came the be hour ot of Darting which was necessary and free by y all on account of duty yet tender chords were tou touched clied we would have liked to enjoy each others company longer we regretted tac at brother A J could not be present with us elder bloor dark clark departed for the pennsylvania conference we too feel grateful for the kind and valuable assistance of the saints and friends friend in contributing so 0 o liberally toward making conference confere ace such moh a sua among which are mr wlllie mines della delia and martha johnson who assisted so ao much in the ings mr and mrs mra marsh perry for the use of their organ slater sister martha adams and brother lilies liles E M howlin hewlin who furnished fur material and built the assembly hall brother amon jones jonea and wife with those mentioned above royally royphy entertained the elders eldera and dd ministered to their every need N cheerfully eor lully tas elders belderr were appointed to labor as ae follows foll elder samuel 0 spencer williamson county ill mille milla williamson Will lamaun co ill elders ira E bradshaw and sterling D colton union chui coui ty ill address anna union co ill badere thoaas 1 I allen alien and levi B Rey Royn nolue olues hamilton county ill ad drew draw walpole hamilton co ill alabre cornelius Corne liua B S green and germon buchanan Buc banan johnson county ill address vienna johnson co badera alder A J county adu aadrew rear farmington fulton co coill ill elder riders nepha N rogers bogen and brigham H telford Tel forU crawford county ind address taswell Tai well crawford CP cj ind elders allen alien M archibald and da vid via JEL JEL boberko Bo berto county ind address addre bloomfield greens co inu If theore are ar any of toe the not this communication who may have the NEWS containing erua oue the uv enite In instructor sinator contributor tracts cards carda and boons books of tuis nature treat lug upon the principles or of truth and can pare them or lih ish tossie them irom from being destroyed dea troyed we would be much pleased to have them bahou mahou to any of the mo above addresses and they will be thankfully received many who will not listen to an elder Ps testimony or read a tract will out of curiosity take a paper or magazine and peruse its ito columns ibus good la Is often derived and in many in taneeca door to Is opened a jiving test mony given seeds of truth sown and ground of blinding pred prejudice udice broken which la Is replanted with reason and love the gospel Is ie to be published an well as aa preached before the end and shall ahall come to all sometimes publishing open an effectual door where ing does not and vice versa vena thus thua the plan of salvation Bal in ia heralded to every i nation kindred tongue and people I 1 in n the four quarters qu artera of the earth and thus thua every individual will be lett left out an excuse and by it all will be judged aver praying for the welfare of this glorious work and all connected with it in their various callings callin gB and ana appoint mento menta I 1 am humbly yours in the ties of charity DAVID E R ROBERTS clerk of conference |