Show TROLLEY ACCIDENT pa march SO 30 three persons were instantly killed two fatally injured and ton ten others alight lw hurt hart on the lehigh traction company road by jumping from a runaway trolley oar car on the mountain near here the accident was wa due in part to panic among the passengers who crowded about the con conductor ducor a and d grip man of f the unmanageable manageable oar car the disaster occurred on oar no blo 20 As it passed on to the grade leading gown down the mountain gripman Gt reitz applied the brake but the chain snapped enapp ed hy then throw threw the safety lover lever chis re freed to work sad and the terrified motorman sprang to the reverse brake hop ing to control the oar car by the current mrs mn W williams illiams was waa the brat elret to jump her body truck struck a post breaking hr her back and causing instant death mrs early next dext flung dung herself off and was wae dabbed to death she tried to save ave her heir boy but he shared the saine fate ate the remaining passengers gera with wilh one exception then jumped mrs mr evans was waa the only person to remain in the car with the exception of the motorman and conductor the car kept the track until the crossing at the toot of the incline was waa reached here it jumped the truck track and crashed into a Lelo telegraph graph pole the front of the oar car was waa stove in and a piece t f board penetrated arp EVS evanca side bide the sore anas of the abe frantic passengers as aa the car rushed down the mountain could be heard half a mile the residents rei identa of this pal t hastened to the scene icene of tile the accident and did all they could to relieve the sufferings fluttering hsu had the passengers remained in the oar car the accident could have been averted BB as the rear brake would have held the oar car and prevented the run away there are six alx attachments attach menia on each oar car provided for such an emergency but the conductor was wedged so BO tightly against the dasher by the panic women that he be was un able to move his hia arms arm until 9 the h 0 oar car had gotten beyond control contra the motor man and conductor were but slightly alight lir injured |