Show NEWS MEWS MOTES BOTES A ranchman named of fremont county wyo has baa been missing for some borne time and big bia neighbors think that he be must have been frozen while locking 10 king after afier big bia cattle growing wheat throughout sonora remarks the ar zona prospector Is ie it ii excellent condition anu aej li it there la in no arost this anu ana the next the tb harvest will be abundant abunda it t james lawson La weon who but a few short moi ago was regarded as an lu ft ff naive larni adinor or in the foothills ol of 04 madera aders county cal caf tut lui later ac acquire an unenviable viable reputation as a murderer r and desperate jilt breaker has been cep turea near sau BAU francisco A reward of to la offered for the arrest and a or lor for information that will lead to the arrett arre anu of the party or parties who killed harvey bouth at his br stable iu in evanston Eva naton wyo on the evening ol of saturdays saturday january 16 john T murphy an committed suicide ai albao sao francisco t ta a douday several beveral days daye b fort turf Mur Murphy tiby while Dir along water aront was wae barown from his war warn warin in ond seri ben uly UJ injured since Bino then uthen he had bout ard un on several occasions threatened to kill himself up in 10 spokane county wah the farmers farmere giant giani powder says an exchange they nut not use uee it to blow them teem up but soak a little of the powder in kerosene ars wrap it ir paper put it in III the holes bolei and a t JIM fire to it the tae gases aada rent gem rated pent traits irate to the utmost limit of this the recessed recess eb aud abd scoop everything they reach on sunday night harry easom of da francisco aged aed 20 aud mary hinckley of ben lumrud aged 17 were married in a boat boal on the buy basy mues iram the shots at santa cruz they walked from ben lamond nome um fifteen hiie distant die tant to the city parental objection caused phoui tu to be married on the bay the abalone gold strikes tricea near jerome says the prescott ott arizona Vo courier urier are located two milea south rest ol of that mat camp on blowout creek ore has baa been brought in from hot ho U W hullo claim that aua 2500 hold gold per tot toi from brooks brooke boux climb which kesys per er too toa anu adu from jean ainsoo pas ciaio which per ton an aa shearing 8 bt t m a on fill blot bist ati a aye the braver Uton tan aehee men and sheep will wili agin ti ti flock in pretty lively ere lung it is if kt bt mated that sheep will bt br not rn at this point this season babon the IL B R company have enlarged their corrals and od everything is now DOW la in readiness beaver men have hav alao built corrals and will solicit a portion olm of the heep mena s patronage the fe artesian artea ian well sit at la junto junta colo cojo is stated to be a uro nour iced success at a depth of fees feel a large vein rein was wa struck in ID coarse grave the natural flow the water out of we top measured thirty fur gallons per minute and with a pump it is is in estimated that gallo more per flaute cau can be secured the company will sink another well for emerge oy cy ewes cases at once the water is in described a as very soft oil and am aa cle clear r as aa crystal mountain oun tain home idaho george hall will set met nut about 2500 more peach trees this admit g ou on his snake river rauch making in all he will set bet out a number numbs r of trees of a new liew variety that bus baa recently aly been in fa produced in the east an and ryo lse fit to bu be an exe xo lent 1 bot peach mr hall next year intends to rut put out several more trees which will probably makee make big bia the largest peach in the tate his id trees have wintered well nd ad the prospects are good for another abundant mop this your year helena moot independent the annual report ul of the ina heals mining company of ha baig just juet been received this thia company la Is oue one ot of the beat keown chown and leal aiesi paying companies in t ehg 8 great hatate crowded full of minor miner for the tear lear 1694 its ita gross amoun amounted tej to go it paid ut r labor aud and all lutr expellees expel lees leaving a net cash profit lor jur thie inu year of SIB 1778 ou on december 31 81 1893 the afa rub surplus was waa which p Us ua the me net prudi 01 1894 la in deducting from title the he eight civi eoda ends aggregating raid paid in I 1 aves avea a hot each cab surplus december dt 31 1894 of i on tuesday ot ol last week aff jIt gOa who lives in eden aaen valoy valey jai cal leit the boust bouse beautt break fit et fur time abe purpose ul in a saddle aaddie burse burae he took with him bim a rupe and was accous aed ty two shepherd dos dogs about yards from bla big uce he area the trail rail of an enormous enor mou panther he put the abe dogs doga on the trail and aau they allowed ull owed it tor for about thirlo milts mil a suc BUC beeding in the panther ber gibson tied the two dogs doga to the trunk tf f the tree up which we toe panther had bad climbed aud and returned to bla big home for hm his rifle returning lao succeeded in 10 killing me aniual ni ual matured ma aured dicas leec feet six aix inches arm 11 au tip to tip it was waa one of at ibe be largist ever killed to in ukiah 4 county panthers aud and boors beara are now very numer 9 r I 1 JEFFER Sui ay iy ivi aiu april 8 00 V 0 a U I 1 r IS u ne I 1 today day loeri u d a cai caal I 1 tor for a special steinun or of too tiie to meet un on april 23 to enact it w to properly delicie the relations between the ine different classes of em of cor onh and the proper er relations between all such em aloyes on and the corporations employing trieu aou to provide such it enact woula heulu as ao at cessare anu expedient to prevent a ce of an organized lobby at the capitol of the ibe and to enact such auch laws bawa as aa way be necessary neca aary and to prevent frau j against tie ine elective franchise iran chiae aid secure an elti election oLlon in all oulea cities having inhabitants |