Show uncivilized A AND NID LAWLESS extensive collection til D of olin clift an exhibited rellon is i D no ow v being dweller goo solety oo lety aro by the durango of and she ha herald H grald at Dural durango agOp colo from the display a 61 that city says aay that of too toe mannor mander goodites goo food dides idea oso can be gathered extinct peoples peo ao of life I 1 of tb cooking ute naila it t contains their of war implements lemento its weapons household imp L and the tb chases tools toole ornament 0 eta the th L ments mente clothing their met method of show how L laemmie s also dead in this L dispo elul 1 of their be remarked ebat for moy may unction it instruction and information atIO a purposes of Inform and gone generation ratIO 08 L to the pro present bent fact that cliff dael i iu ilk view lew of the looted of all being lera ler V babit habit A akiona eions are salt t lak contour cOn A I 1 their valuable collection collect iO X or of have a 1 V 1 elly city might ot of cliff dwellers dw ellera rod and antiquities both abitanto of the th inhabitants inh t 51 other prehistoric aein in the she country to no none west second be purely L it should d if but it if possess I 1 that the evidences eride noea for aea of good this abia continent a inest may life if 0 on t ty of anc ancient tient fukuo confined fined not be in the near a throng through h tile booke and photograph photography remains remaina them elves of the Is ie destruction from baere ft in alm the paper quoted owne ownership robt p aud statement the of icib collection the le e coign reforce referred d to use of for serious jub eject aerts a put a that bull action to and nd for some X thought all too common k top stop to a g I 1 is there temporarily exhibit at durango traveling the feature of a being a are rily pora the ne show bow lu in which of money merely u faed aled for abe purpose at th the 9 cost of was waa collected bt ot of the it making much of 9 the w work ork destro destroying g in im the rut rutn lesa searoba olin dweller uw ellera bodies bodice for their heir ute ota nalls and of whore where utah in the vicinity mexico colu coma to colorado and new country for american ti there akoto antiquities to la she he that hae boo been explored perhaps the be adjacent section af f arizona Arl zona to equally rich but its i reservation for the indiana has baa pre thorough investigation in the country deao ribeil ruins are round found by thousands not a few isolated remains here and there here lin in consequence of their abundance there re numbers of people who make a living by leathering gathering mummies and other a ati and disposing of them to curlo alty exhibitors to reake those it in found convenient to tour tear down structures by the cliff dwellers dw ellera and thus a most valuable arid and interesting feature of the country is belak being rapidly destroyed it la Is a common for a 91 number of person to start out for or a few weeks trip in abi region and to return laden with remains ot of the ancient Inh inhabit ablit state anta and their earthenware of war clothing uto eto when brought in ill these are old for a good price tor for traveling show ebow purposes it is not an unusual wing thing among the people who reide in that loos locality lity to speak ot of persons on en these theae expeditions doing being out aztec digging 0 just as aa it ii oxe ihie looting or of traves was a reputable blu brinen brine siness 8 to be carried on with the full approval of people W when individuals go to modern cera geoa for the purpose of body anatali log ing 94 their act Is horrifying horr Hying to modern civil z zad id sentiment entime ot imprisonment Is ig khount albreast too good for those who aou kulil la desecrate dee orate the abe grave by removing therel rova ft at human body for medical purposes how bueb better belter are those wiio rob the graves of an aim extinct people that hooman budlee bodies may be hawked over the country for mercenary pur poses the difference in time of burial does not make the desecration less leaa reprehensible it if the tomb where relatives relative and frienda have laid the anekt ot dl a loved one Is too sacred acred to be disturbed aben when trie chadee of abe firt first come on 00 IL to 1 ua an in a year or in a thousand years year and it is as aa uncivilized a an n sot oft to disturb ove one as aa use tae other without good cause this being the case civilized public bouti souti meat ineat la in the she localities referred to 13 boa ou id put an ail end to the aztec d ia V kang og which in i a vulgar terna term for the ghoulish ba of grave rubbing robbing go bo far sin aa utah in concerned the officers of sin an juan county and of the territory abound take a hand in thle this it if this relic hunting for base purposes eeB is not stopped by other meana mealo it has baa beau permitted to go gj all too far already that it boo bat been ubie ct of frequent comment and nd at outs time of special attention in a gubernatorial message to the leja lature latuf there Therel IB salaW a lar on oa the statute books of this territory which ought no longer be left a dead letter if its t viola tion to persisted pew in chapter VI of the compiled laws law dosio deal with wita violating sepultures tures and remains of the atao dead raski jig no distinction ad to their antiquity n ty it provides that every person who rho mutilate moti latee dio luters or removes from me place of sepulture the dad body of a human being without authority of law or who removes remove any part of the dead body of ft a human being from any grave or other place where the same ame hot ba besto been buried or deposited with intent to ell all the acae same Is i punishable by imbat in the ithe penitentiary not exceeding five years yean and the punishment of is provided for those who remove or deface any tomb mona mon ment wall or mannor memorial lal apper appertaining lial aima to the place of burial of a human being i ng th this Is amply covers the grave robbery that has been and to 8 being indulged in la in san juan J uan county utah at least and be used as aa a means to W check further vandalism some borne persons may have followed the business thoughtlessly and ignorant of the fact baet that it was lawless if it is pursued in future however there ought ough to b be 0 an example made t bring about a change in connection with prehistoric re casing there Is an illustration near bluff city which should serve for aber opp n flita it a t the he 0 city I 1 ty I 1 ii a a large oliff cliff dwellers cave ditl it its various rooms room and ruins in fair state of prefer n the good people of that locality have bave removed the debris and have cleaned and oared cared for the he place until it is now an aa oba object act of inter est eat and veneration US aa the ancient home of human beings tills thin is as it should be preservation has been the not and the same rule would be commendable in of antiquities or in the idea often ad but not yet adolp adopted ted ot of serab li a prehistoric park where mob colorado new mexica and arizona come together such proceedings forthe general iCe good and we the preservation of antiquities for educational purposes purpose 41 meet set with approval but lot let us have 0 end nd to the ghoulish and unan n civilized business |