Show LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS MATr ERS A valuable find has been reported by george seagers a four ft foot vein of onyx three miles east of five points samuel so son a of mr madau dan eg geland of the leond ward met with a painful accident on saturday afternoon while playing play ing baseball he was as running back w aorl ag to catch the ball when his bis right foot wool went in a bole he fell to the ground brooking breaking his log lei just above the ackle be was taken laken borne bome and dr adderson And Au derson ereon was called and seg ec the injured mom bor ber governor ast ban baa issued a fatiori fixing the times and places of holding thefil t judicial dit arlot court A geram will be hulu in provo city on the me first monday I 1 in a february ry one at leebl in 10 juab county on toe the second ja 0 in may one at pi imore in jk county on the second monday la in jy july f and ad one ne at provo on the he second aou monday in september the abe urne tim for UP opening the sessions asiona se is fixed at as 11 tena ha on oa the days designated the committee on militia submitted the following article for incorporation 10 the be constitution section 1 the militia shall consist or of mu all able bodied male citizens of the state between 18 and 45 years of age seo see 2 the legislature shall by law provide for the organization equipment of the militia which shall conform as nearly as practicable to the Wa lations lor for the govern government mey at ot of the of the united states lira sarah saunders uDden Sa of the first ward rard biej sunday at the effects of a paralytic stroke with riad which abe be was afflicted three weeks we age ka water bister Sm Haun dera was 64 years of age she emigrated from bug land to utah to la the early days daye and has baa been a resident ot of provo prove since her arrival lo in the territory she bee bas been prominently with be bullet society Jocie ty of the ward since its organics and was waa greatly beloved by her bar foliates A convict at the utah pen penitentiary harry lawson in maure as nn an io in upon his JUS gy hernoon afternoon ter noon who is A senta sentence uce for bursary has just ben beert and an aa he left the chair beirod a razor and slashed himself baroma the left arm inflicting two ugly gashes and severing an artery frook from which the blood blotta gu gushed shadforth forth pr or witcher Wl tober penitentiary aby colao was to in the building aud anid prompt on his him part saved lagroon s life this Is lawson lawsons s second attempt at he is a opium dead what very nearly proved a fatal case of poison log occur occurred reo at tha broom hotel betel abu a jay W W Araia croog is a well known gambler was wan found about 10 am lying io in bile bed at the broom boa in an condition dr orves graves was anil and found no an hopeless case came of mor morphine plaint poisoning ap an hypodermic of jf of was wan but with latter loope bope 4 1 saving abe mans mania life by 12 bolever bo wever abe antidote baa done its work and tbt well for the patient tit showed signs 41 of rallying and by 8 3 o was wan considered Bide redl out of danger dr graves regards it as ae a most moat marvelous recovery it Is supposed tabt mr armstrong took the morphine to produce sleep bleed some time ago andrew burkley oi 01 comme iced a suit ul in the first district court against mr ado george Harri harrison moD of Spring springville ville asking for damages on account of defend defendants arate having mrs burkley who la is their daughter to bring suit euit for or divorce plain plaintiff tift ln in the complaint he maue a very serious criminal charge against mr and mrs mra harrison Har rleon the rho suit has bee be beao 0 n and saturday evenings papers contain a card from mr burkley to the that tho charge made in his hie complaint against arand was waa based upon incorrect information and was false Information baa reached provo prove from nepal to the effect that we the body ol oi the man found about five west of nephi last friday Is in that bat of george williamr williamp of nephi who had bad been engaged in herding sheep beep in that vicinity for some time on the ath 01 tb ahta Is mon montt th he left camp on OB horseback hu taking with him a valise containing a suit buit of clotting clot bing the horse hone returned to camp the next day and williams b be 0 hotl hod gone to they were eur ur primed when the news newa reached them chist be bad not arrived it title how shortly alter after information was waa received the body ol of WUlla oia was waa found it ii is ie supposed that thai he be hjokt lot t hla his way aftel the hones had deft him and died from starvation and he fie was burita near the place where he was waa found ou account of the decomposed condition ol of the body the deceased was wag the ton son of mr and mr george williamr williamp of nopal and a highly young map three attempted holdups hold bold ups were re pot poi ted to the police wednesday all of them took place on state street within 1 a few minutes of each other one of the reported that he be was waa walking aloni on state street betrea first and second south street io in company with a lady when two daou attempted to hold him up an bottler maa said two men demanded money of him with ahio to obtain drinka drink andl sand a lodging chief pratt prate so and d hii bin men went forth I 1 to search of jbv footpads with one of the men who had bad been osted as a guide and two men and a soldier at atai a ding talking milking they stopped at second sti street reet and very soon eoon the soldier canoe up to them and reported that the two men bad drawn a gun ou on him and demanded his money the officers im immediately media toly started in pursuit buethe but be two meo men escaped by passing through the str star asimou and disappearing in the dair kness the footpads dij did not get any money from the parties hold held up the on irrigation submitted the following article on irnia MOD rt 1 the waters of all natural alp bax tings ing streams ft reams lakes and collections of till still water within the boundaries of tle the I 1 state are hereby declared to be the ersha pro properly of the state but suchow aoh ownership shall r al in no way impair any existing lawfully acquired right to the use of said waters buters see sec 2 priority of appropriation for beneficial uses shall give the better right no appropriation appropriation shall be denied except when sue such denial is if demanded by bublie interest in teres the right of eminent domain shall extend to land and water rights see sec 3 the legislature shall divide the state into suitable water districts and provide by law for the appointment of a state engineer the election of a board of control and such other officers ws as may be deemed necessary see sec 4 the board of control shall be presided over by the state engineer and it shall have the supervision odthe of the waters of the state and ot of their appropriation distribution and diversion under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by law its decisions to be re subject jato to review by the courts of the state the following is 1 a copy of statement furnished to the commissioner of schools upon wh wb oh to base his second apportionment of school money arising icom the 1894 taxes 1894 march slat balance of school money in territorial treasury not apportioned 74 1895 march both taxes of 1892 and 1993 1998 collected since march 81 1 1894 not net sixty per cent school chool fund 24 march aoth taxes of 1894 paid into treasury to date nat sixty per cent school tuna fund 30 36 total school fund fond arising from 82 rentals from school lands leased 1448 96 total receipts 2827 SO 95 disbursements 8 1895 jan and 2nd school fund ex penne for not previously charged S 1983 46 jan 2nd and school fund expense for ism 1894 80 50 J jan an 2nd and first apportionment of school fund from 1894 tax 55 total disbursements disburse menka 51 march both amount in territorial treasury to be apportioned 46 jonm JOHN T auditor of public accounts an alarm of 0 fire was sent io in to the department at monday from box 14 on east temple street the fire proved to be to in the kitchen of th taft badale rock restaurant at south east temple street and add was caused by ree ireae in the ra ge being ignited the firemen were quickly on the spot and succeeded in preventing the spread of the he flames to the front of the building or to the log buil buildings dinits the kitchen however with its if content wai wa practically destroyed before the blaze was extinguished extinguish ou too restaurant was owned by mr john gallagher the insurance carried was in the patriotic insurance company of dublin rr ireland areland harris wilson agents the joe josa was a austed this afternoon by E W at 2471 16 tt about 1130 sunday an alarm of fire was soun sounded deJ tiie location of the blaze being given as 98 the corner comer of second south and ana fifth east boot streets tp the department responded but finding no fire there continued on to seventy south thinking perhaps a mistake mid had been made in the street they were again unsuccessful and the fire was waa afterwards located to in a small store OR on second south and seventh east bass ap peara an noes indicate that it was a ouse case of 0 rn attempted p as a pile oi of hav ings soaked with kerosene was wa d the neigh bOta succeeded in the mia before the arrival ot of the department A correspondent sends a request to publish some gome particulars concerning david avid conkling one of the carthage mob who died at Lou loutelous telaus missouri on the ath of february last here li in the he item as given to lo a telegram from the towo town where conkling Cou kling a died jed david conkling aged 93 98 year who died in ID this city in february was a first cousin of the late escoe conkling of now new york anti was waa born rear Charles charlestown town jefferson county va february in 1839 be maue carthage ill his home borne rema luing there until 1854 when he be came to louisiana while at carthage mr Cot cockling kling was waa one of the organizers organisers sers of the wolf hunters 22 a sort eort of military organization aboe object was not the n of the animal whose name it bore but ot the mormonism Morr nona nim when joseph and hyrum smith dr taylor and other church cigol baries were arrested arre eted at nauvoo in june 1844 they were brought to carthage and placed in jails jai buttee but abe wolf 2 mob not dot waring rearing the guards guard andr which were said to be loaded with blink cartridges succeeded in battering down the jail all entrance and in IB soon oon made quick work of hyrum smith who was waa instantly scantly In killed by a r rf fie leball ball joseph smith was wa then dispatched while in the act of lumping from a window by a well directed shot hot from a gun in the hand bando of a young man named moneys of missouri MiB BOurL mr Conk linic once sale bale the prophet gave three convulsive gasps and expired I 1 stood over him at the time sail and the abe ground was waa saturated with blood I 1 ran my forefinger deep into the wound to probe for the bullet but it could not be reach reached eJ 01 O 1 the announcement that elder bider thomas W ellerbeck a well known a and nd viably respect tel eil citizen of this taij city hamd away at a m tuesday will be rec received eved with sadness by big bia many friends not only in this city but throughout the territory thomas witton ellerbeck Eller beok WB was the on n of thomas and mary witton ellerbeck anu was waa born september 14 1829 at pendleton near manchester lanca hire england he emigrated to utah in the year 1851 in orson oraon pratt company arriving tiers here on october 15 he went at once into president youngs office anti remained there until the spring of 1872 and for many years was waa chief clerk in the president deni s office during the building of the union pacific railway he had bad charge of all the accounts of the contract taken by president brigham young for the construction st otton of the miles ot of toot road which was built by the people of this territory at this end of the line when the gas borki were ware started to in the spring of 1872 0 be was placed in charge and was wag practically the promoter of that enterprise he acted as of the gas gaa works until 1890 since which time he has bold belia the position of director of the salt bait lake ogden gas and aad electric light company TI the deceased decea aed was superintendent of of the salt bait lake lak ice city winter system sod bas b hold held muy positions of trust and ability all of which be has ban filled with ability and to the satisfaction of those chobe who reposed theair con oona denoe io in him at the time of big death he wasa director of te utah commercial and savings bank regardful Hegardt ng the assertion made in the constitutional convention that the roxan suffrage raae klauk io in the republican platform was wa placed there merely to oaten eatch votes ex gov A L thomas ado was referred to as bovine ha vinar framed the resolution offers the following statement ement was the cli chairman airman of tits the arm cittee on resolution api minted by the loot last republican convention I 1 have a very clear recollection of the action ol of the committee in ro rotation lation to the grant grani luif of equal suffrage to women romeu twenty five of the twenty seat D counties of the territory were represented on the the large walo majority rity of we memoirs mena oera were not of the ULu usually silly tt politicians aney seethed to me to be meu men who se acted cited fram fr im con vict iov I 1 believe t be homana sui frage plank was waa inserted in the plat fora for ha because the majority of the thought it WAS right to place it there and the manner in it was wa received by abe he couvee coave 0 fiort showed I 1 think tb that atthe abe large majority of we convention thought so BO too no other resolution received such strong of approval all due respect to the dele kaba in convention representing both political loAl parties part lea atoo mare make the coaree that the suffrage plank was wa ln vertel in the platforms for the purpose of catching votes I 1 doom deem it but burjust jul to gay bay tb that t iu in my opinion opio loo so BO for far s the ibe action of the cau comm committee tee la a concerned the charge has ha no DO found foundation atio D ju in fact it was I 1 believe an honest expression of the opinion of the large majority of the committee rod anti con t know of no pressure that was brought to bear upon udon the committee in frala relation to the m matter atter from mown tracey head it is learned that next week too engineering corps and forty to fifty teams will leave leae ogden for snake river valley abre they go to commence active operations on the Amer american loan falls falle coned a mammoth enterprise which I 1 la 8 dest destined limed at no do far distant date to irrigate gate and nd make fertile a scope of 0 country equal in extent to all this the cultivated iana in salt bait lake valley the canal whan completed will have a carrying larger than any canal in the intermountain country and but few will equal it in the world the average width as aa it is now being con is sixty six feet the snake rivet river is the source of the water au aply up Ply which of itself is ie a eua that this ei element lement go ao neve seary to the welfare of the agnit will be plentiful the lande covered by the american palls falls canial canal are located on the side of the kiver and mainly abono the town of A palle palla which la Is on this the oregon short line liine at the I 1 of boake river with that road and belog being government land it A to la edaily obtained by this the home seekers the company that is ft building build lna this canal to is composed of thirty strictly utah kanii most moat pt of whom ibave have had from ten to twenty five years year experience in canal making and |