Show HONORS TO THE DEAD CASTLE GATE carbon co utah march 26 1896 I 1 thought I 1 would drop a few lines to your paper upon the funeral services of henry freckleton who died la in st bt marys mare hospital last jael saturday march 1896 1895 the funeral WM was conducted by wm amt T lamph on monday the 1896 1895 it proceeded from the residence of the deceased to the meeting house beaded by the he castle castie gate brass braae band then the remains remain followed by the widow and ber bar live five little and near relations rela tiona and frienda frien dR A long string of miners minere followed four abreast there were people follows the remains to the graveyard lie he was a good husband and father and wll well liked by his masters masten for his bie faithful work the community of this place have great sympathy for the bereaved wile wife and children the workmen have agreed to donate a days work to the deceased a family to help to support them hem the company stopped their wine mine and all the works around to show respect to one who had met with much a terrible fate bishop wm T lamph preached the funeral sermon lermon he be spoke highly on the merits of our decease d fri friend onil the choir was in full attendance WM H LAWLEY tribune please copy |