Show orium tor fm POW IOWA MISSION conference the conference of the iowa mission convened in the huntington hall ball broadway council bluffs at ten a in march loth 1895 in attendance were twenty two of the elders eleven had just arrived from salt lake and the others had come from their various fields oi of labor joshua R dark clark of grantsville Grants ville president of the northern states mission and elder butterworth president ident of the conference were on resident Ses the e stand elder butterworth stated the purpose of these conferences and gave many valuable instructions to the elders as well as the members of the branch and visitors who were present he showed that there should be but one faith and one baptism he assured the visitors that nothing but a deep love of god and our fellow men would cause the elders to leave their homes and loved ones to sojourn among strangers in a strange land elder wilford L evans of sanford col who was visiting relatives in the bluis bluffs was called to the stand he said he is always at home with the people le of god and desired to spend all 9 ais as time to the honor and glory of god he closed by bearing a strong testimony to the truth of the gospel elder austin kearnes from sanpete county was next to address the conference he often felt that he be would be pleased to walk the distance of fifteen miles if by so doing he could meet with a con congregation re gation of saints he was utah pleased easel to see so many new elders from utah as the harvest is great but the laborers lew few he had bad been treated well where he had been laboring he stated that he had always had tree iree ac cass to meeting houses bouses and school houses his experience is that the elder must ever be humble as there is everything to be gained by humility he had met very good people some of whom only lacked the courage to join the church As many people oi of the world have been schooled to believe that we are the worst people on the earth we often have the cold shoulder turned to us it is therefore necessary for us to show them what we really are he stated that he had not made many converts but had allayed many poeju dices and made many friends the congregation then joined in singing the spirit of god like a fire is burning after which elder C L miller killer of salt lake city spoke he expressed his pleasure in meeting with the saints six months ago he was called to labor as a missionary some ot of the time since had been spent in ane field and some with his friends in salt lake his companion with whom he was laboring in indiana had been so unfortunate as to need his best care for weeks in the field and it became necessary nece sary to accompany him to his home in bah U ah it is a principle of the great creator to give us nothing faster than we can comprehend it hence the necessity of efforts on our part to earnesty earnestly seek for intelligence and wisdom the speaker stated that it is with great pleasure that he noted the interest mankind is taking staking in the gospel the natural feeling of the human heart brings us to deity it is well that all have learned to venerate the name of our savior the speaker showed that belief alone is not necessary and explained clearly and forcibly the first principles of the gospel he was glad his parents embraced the gospel in loreign foreign lands and closed by bearing be n i n his testimony to the truth of the gospel gospel meeting was called to order again at two p m after tsi hinging nging and prayer elder P J garn of Cent centerville Center erville vitle utah gave some valuable instructions spoke at some length on the atonement and the first principles of the gospel after which the congregation sang the time is far spent there is little remaining brother J nielson of ol sanjuan county utah spoke next he ably handled the subject authority to preach the gus Gs eel pel he showed the preacher must musi be e called as was aaron eider A G young of richfield utah ml eal brother dayton ot of bear lake county idaho then addressed the conference the evening meeting was addressed by eider miles F weaver of bennington bear lake county idaho who has just been released from a two years mission he occupied the whole of the time and spoke ot of the great dispensation in which we are living showed that no church practices as much bible doctrine as do the latter day saints also that the church is built upon the rock ot of revelation the speaker also showed that the earth as well as the pei pe pie had become defiled by th thy wicked the doctrine ot of the world that belief only is necessary to salvation sal v aaion strikes a deadly blow to morality a and nd to civilization the power that the holy ghost has was shown in man an able manner conference convened again march nth at ten a in and eider clark was the first speaker it was only about six months ago that he was called to labor in this mission and about three months since he was called to preside over the mission he cautioned the young eiders to rely on the lord and gave other interesting and valuable instructions brother christensen of mayfield san pete county felt thankful thank lul that he had sufficient faith to leave his bis home when called six months since as he had found it a pleasant duty he told the kind of goll god we worship and dwelt principally upon the first principles ol of the gospel after afier elder buchannan from kai kaier a county utah expressed his good desires sires s the congregation sang guide us 0 thou great jehovah eh ovah elder from mayfield utah E S hart irom from idaho brother robison from morgan ail addressed the assembly and made some interesting and instructive remarks at two p m conference was again called to order and E eders ders HAgat eol ot utah and ola of bear lake county utah spoke a short time they expressed a willingness to perform a faithful mission elder mcmullen of heber city bah felt pleased to meet with so many holding the holy priesthood with most oi of us the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak he spoke vm comprehensive hr upon the restoration ot of the gospel elder J JH H cook of wayne county utah who had been laboring la ig Zb nebraska said we are out to show that the gospel has been restored to the earth to show that sincerity alone is not sufficient for salvation his expert ence was that it is not good to talk N to make people angry in the start it makes some people angry to tell them there has been an apostasy apo stacy brother albert erickson of grants ville utah who was traveling through with a train ol of cattle called in and addressed us a sh short ort time he expressed a desire to nil fill a mission some day the meeting at 7 p in was addressed by elders criddle theobald and backe rel all making some very good remarks elder johnson who had been laboring in council bluffs spoke for a short time on the authority to preach we are sent out by direct revelation A song entitled the fishers and the hunters was then sung alter after which elder butterworth president of the iowa conference was called upon to ta speak president dark clark stated that we woud aou d not have brother butterworth here long as lie he had filled his mission and was released and wished to make use ot of him while here the speaker explained that men canonry can only be saved in the name of jesus christ all are judged according to the deeds done in the body it was made wain to the listeners that the shepherds have transgressed tran gressed the laws the speaker gave some very valuable suggestions to the new elders the conference closed by sin g gine in when shall we all meet again a and prayer by elder miller priesthood meeting was held tuesday at 1030 1030 a m the authorities of the churan were presented and sustained brother J R dark clark was sustained as president of the northern states mission and brother CIl callion lion L miller was wan sustained as president of the iowa cout conference t rence with C S 11 1 hart 1 art a as clerk brothers elmer and edwin lones jones were sustained and ordained priests elder dark clark stated that he would like all the elders to take as many copies of the voice of warning as they could the brethren who had been out in the field had been called upon to report their labors the report as a whole was very favorable A vote of thanks was extended to the saints of council bluffs tor their extreme kindness to the eiders and their help to the church mrs huntington huntingto I 1 who had furnished an assembly ass emoly fall hall and office for our use gratis is to be especially ally thanked A summary of the report of the elders for the last five months shows families visited times refused entertain entertainment men no of nights without beds 5 6 no of tracts distributed no of miles walked no of meetings held ica no of houses refused 26 no appointments failed 20 39 no administered to the sick 68 no children blessed i no baptism a 3 no ordinations 3 2 gospel conversations V the elders were appointed to the following fields of labor for cur the coming six months 4 al council bluffs chilion chibon L miller presidents dentt lot ofil jowa owa conference and george W badger of I 1 A 4 molden 1 lyons burt county nebraska H IM L me mullen myron holgate boone boone county iowa F J christen un tea F M dayton chelsea tama county buwa otto johnson I 1 E X B theobald boomer township pigeon postoffice Post office P pot t county iowa hans J nielson eugene S hart rockport rockfort Rock port atchison county missouri geo A whitlock william criddle I 1 richland center richland county wisconsin jens J jenson karl S fackerell aillston Nill Nii ston iston jackson county wisconsin joseph M green david A robison onona monona county iowa P J garn A G young blackbird puan putnam am county missouri A utin austin kearnes ola Fr anstrum elder J H cook has been honorably released and returns home elder buchannan Biu Bp channan leaves today with president dark clark lor pulley mill conference illinois the prospects in this mission are becoming more favorable lavo rable all 11 the time the saints are beginning to pay more tithing and the elders are treated better the conference was fairly well attended and alt all the elders leave for their new fields field in good spirits E S HART clerk |