Show MEMORIAL SERVICES memorial services were hold held io in the brigham young academy on suo sun day marian march lu in honor of A 0 smoot who had baa hold held the po position of president of that institution for sunny many eare ear elders Brig banji young rod end A ki cannon ot of tie the quorum of the were down i trum rum salt lake siny city too toe resident ident members member ot of the and the b faculty ot of the tb academy were present MB as well as aa duany rumi bruml eni ana principal B cluff jr presided art tue the assembly aae embly sang ab my father opening prayer bishop keeler eeler the baaford pine quart quartette enow the rho vacant chair bider lder Brilli brigham bam young w w the girnt aptaker cp eaker and reviewed with lilting appreciation we the life alfo and thara character oter ol of tle the and the ur vl no 01 the mba ani uis ul labias laban hoped that me way would be opened luat this slake 01 zion would have bave ani aa quely efficient officer meet at its ita aad bider karl G maeser dwelt on thereal burden the deceased bad borne it r albe life lit and weli belog of the brig aum young ACA dOlby anat he had bad olter the ibe cibu that mat be would bit be able to io rendor a clear to the krai lounder ot or the when he arnould anould meet nim him behind the be vil veil prot prof if ij read resolutions one or of roppe ct the abe ants of the faculty ant aai of abe young academy Auau emy quartette song remember me ob out bluer A H cannon spoke of the debt of gratitude thus that very every student of tuis tain academy owed 9 to the she deceased lie he b belleveau bel lie levea T a A that disaster would hare overtaken this thin institution many times but for his bis devoted love which was only second to that which be bore to his nearest and dearest he was sure that his bis spirit was still present shonic the people of god that his hia influence would be with his family and toia this institution ution for good could assure hla his hearers that the dead could exert an influence for good upon those who they loved and oared cared for during mortal life he paid a deserved and fitting tribute to karl 0 maeser in tion with the educational work of this generation of young people elder william H king spoke for a few moments mo mente referring to the high spiritual pl ritual and strong aprong practical sides aides of the character of the deceased of the many parallels between his bis character and that of brigham young he was ap a great man and in adversity as well as prosperity he could be firm and true and adhere to hia bin convictions great men are made by the storms and appo which they encounter elder hinckley Hl nokley president of the millard stake addressed the assembly asi embly directing his bin remarks for the most part to comforting the bereaved family elder james E daniels made a few remarks the speaking was concluded by feeling and appropriate remarks by principal B cluff jr he dwelt on OB the nobility of the dead how with his bis financial credit he had made it possible for this his building to be erected the work mork of the faculty was before the public with the stimulant of criticism and the of applause out dut president work was waa behind the soonee scenes he hoped the dy day would come when those who honored his bis work would build a meni memorial orial hall on these to his bis name as an this institution Is to the name of brigham Brig bana young before closing he named the students of this institution who have been called to fill all missions on the other side of the veil especially was brother clrk clark mentioned who recently died at all his bis post of duty in palestine while filling a mission Sin singing gine god moves in a mysterious way 2 benediction by 0 H brimhall Brim ball |