Show PRINCE BISMARCK ARCK seldom has baa it fallen to the lot of mortal man to receive such recognition as an prince bismarck is ia accorded today april 1 on the eightieth anniversary of bis big birthday millions of germane both in ia europe and vie with each other in bringing theia nion lain of love sod and admiration yand dd the jubilant multitudes end and pay their tributes of respect reaped to abe sped red wa batesman satee mau all except the socialists and we center party of the reichstag Belche tair controlled by the catholic clergy are arc arrles away by the general outburst ot of enthusiasm the former cannot forget the hostile attitude of the creator odthe of the german am lare tow towards aras social democratic id idea and the latter are equally slow alow to forgive tile the waged for the purpose of fhlug the letter fetter an ecclesiastical power was thought to be forging slowly around jbv state but the protest pro iesta of af the representative of these parties are insignificant the firemark ban LOOD lenn made that tbt united gormany germany 1 is so broken up in political and ecclesiastical fao tiona that a 8 general vati rational boli holiday JOY in the abe fatherland orlandis is impossible chetner this tale betrue true as a general rule or not ou on thic mo occasion CoCaS IOD the empire certainly is united in bon ring its ita great founder and all this hie is the mure more remarkable because only two years ayo ago toe ine emperor him bio nit forbade all of 01 the prince and ostracized his bl friends lo 10 the valious storto stag 8 ot of the public career of the ex it Is ii easy V t distinguish abst from the first he be bad but one oae object in view and all his bis en an emy was directed toward its accod ment the ot of aei many with prussia at the be head bead of the confederation in 1862 when the prussian Pru asian dephue deput lei refused to grant tbt tb appropriations baked lor for Mil military iLary pur sweep we be lound means of raising the required I 1 lui u i do da in defiance ol of the he depre senta tives of the people accuse J 0 violation ol of the 00 be fur ther proceeded with great severity V against and ana magistrates that dared to criticism criticise critic ise him A aou ao cd c u D iliac followed bad the object ot of it pot got been an giant would certainly have buve resulted to in defeat and ignominy to both the abe kini kim and bi his premier but the lat lai ter was equal to the sitab s tion the cabinet threw abe country into wars with the surrounding pow po erp ero prussia rounded her bar b unia oft aft by adding t tj her territory hanover hapse nassau frauk frank tera ort and seb edwit and iu it the itie glories of hta bin victories vici ories bismarck previous gins were forgotten tora for roten cotten by the 2 nation by the war ot of 1868 the death blow was given to the anle con can federation and the north borman con federation with prussia as aa the he central power wag w five years later the transformation wag waa completed its the war with franco france when the be south german stat tales joined tb union and the of prussia prula become became the emperor of germade Germa Dj the status of et the fatherland in re barj to its ite position in the family 0 nations now being established the ibe attention of its ito chief genius was waa dl di rooted toward its ita internal affairs bismarck a object was waa undoubtedly to t unify the country internally by merging ino one if possible the various factions sod and thus lay an unshakable foundation for the imperial throne at the same time he found it 19 necessary to maintain a military power strond enough to keep the neighbors from retaliation and also to launch the empire on colonial enterprises in africa and elsewhere on a large scale his methods always were remarkable without identifying himself with any fact faction loin be effected temporary allia alliances not s of a nature calculated to secure sue for his bin proposed measures his fall all at last was undoubtedly und due to tite the personal feelings of a young monarch who was unable to appreciate the ingenious plans of the veteran empire builder and who was over jealous of offic his own ane sudeen interruption of Bismarck a s work for the fortification of germany against internal dissenting forces may yet prove a disaster to that country bismarck today to Is only a private olt cit zan but bug we the honors bestowed upon him by his bia country may well be looked upon as an ac of 0 the policy that had bad its if origin in his genius for RD an understanding of bismarck Is character the following incident inot deni la Is interesting count once Rust dian minister to turkey a few years ago related an interview be hal had with the german chancelor chancellor in 1868 passed through ich berlin atno ana complimented B ou th camo sign against adrai airai austria the iron chancellor replied the difficulty was waa not simply in beating the ibe Aust austrians rians for that w e needed only careful preparation I but alere the difficulty became really in bringing them to 0 o declare war against us and finally to prove to the ein emperor boror in turn who ho asvery opposed to taking up arms arma thai shuh a course was waa necessary for our personal per peri ronal tonal defense de lenae ot of like character was remarkable feat in 1870 with regard to france sod and nothing snows better the greatness of his bis gelius than the fact bet bat be wai able to force hiu hie enemies to carry out hie bis alaio Bis marcks s views on the m much uch dreaded oriental problem were riven given to hustled liina la in 1877 confidentially it seem ilia his words were according to thebus russian fian minister turkey is in a property from which all europe can easily take a dilloo for your part you will find there enough i territory errit orY lot for your slav population then 9 ster at er having made the ion ot of the purl part w which could be taken by austria ausilia Au siria italy and england as he be did not noc speak of of franco I 1 asked him and what would be Fratic bIts share france replied bismarck Bm marck we will g give ve avria thai will afford occupation for a long time un on p treaties bismarck placed him own estimation con ainu ig in speaking of the triple alliance the count said 1 I understand the trestles treaties have but one object but bat what does a treaty of peace signify f T it is a piece of paper aper that the powers power may destroy at the least alarm between russia rungs and prance france here is no need of any signature the treaty between them exists today more as a matter of fact than it it had bad been really signed it is for Russi dussias Rus sias alst interest to wish prance france to become rich and powerful and whatever may happen she will not permit her to be crushed the russian count further in the interview with a figaro correspondent from which the above extracts are made and which appeared in that paper caper about eight years yeara ago sais ays that bismarck continued his war on arnce afier the peace was declared by causing continued f sr ar he would announce now new arrangements range ments without carrying them out in order to excite france to additional expenses and ruinous taxation but he could go still I 1 u arther berthan than that thal 1 I have in my band 00 0 0 says may Ignat ignatieff leff the proofs that in 1869 and 1870 two french journals were bribed by bis bi arck one received ived franca and the be other francs to urge france to war with cormany 19 it will be seen that thai a statesman teuman eta with resources was we he german ex As to his bis condition today nal ne is said essid to look well for his bis rge and may for years enjoy the rest he be has so well earned |