Show A correction ALMY ALKY uintah co wyoming march 1896 to correct come misrepresentations which hove have been made in reference to betman beeman bet man co in their treatment of the sufferers from the into explosion at mine no 6 5 almy wyoming we the relief committee have investigated the matter maiter and find that beeman co immediately alter after the made outa out a list of those who were in used need and placed opposite each name from 10 to 20 according to size eize of families and gave tiona for that amount of goods to be is ia sued to each of those thole families famil iee upun upon application the total amount of this list liet is some of the people have not called lor for the goods but we are informed that they may get them if they wish to oo do so ao and we are requested to give them such notice this amount mr beeman informs us ua Is ie i donation and no part of it will be deducted from any money una them or that ever way may 0 no them from any source not will hey oboy ever be asked to pay it ED BLACKER THOMAS SCOTT BOOTT MATTHEW MORROW executive committee H E MORGAN secretary five hundred olive trees were planted oo on A ranch near most Orovil Or ovill lp cal recently |