Show THE COUNTY FRAUD the inquiry into the macadamizing macada mizing of the state road was resumed by the county court at 1025 thursday at which time twelve witnesses tood stood up and were sworn during the examination of those witnesses some gome interesting developments were made in regard to the he conduct of ben hager who made the tenth south street saloon his headquarters W T rose was the first witness called he was employed on toe the state road by ben hager to in the latter part pait of august or thio the first of september and was to have received per day worked seven days at that time and received b bla Is pay leu less 10 per percent cent had asked about warrants and ben hager told old him he could not get them in october he worked elever days day a and received 1730 while the pay roll showed tuat that he was paid 2625 for fifteen days daja work he commenced work again on dec 20 and worked fifteen dalp for which tie be receive d pay lose less the ton ten per cent discount asked as condition of mager hager when he was supervising the work on the road wit ness said he was waa usually more or lean intoxicate the material used mouth of thirteenth south street was alag from the amel smal terp terr in answer to the selectmen witness bated stated that he was dald in the saloon at the corner of tenth south and state tret 8 he told hager that he be preferred to wait and get a warrant but was informed that he would never get odd on and he had better take the money moner at a discount T iti towle commenced work under hager about the of september and put in seven day saad after that twelve days part of his wages were discounted 10 per cent and the balance 21 2 per cent jy E 0 best next testified that he had bad worked on the slate road under ben hager three days and a half some time last fall he was paid tor for mo work less ton ten per COOL cent discount he worked about two weeks after that and was laid off ua just priar to the no vember member election most moat of his hi wages wag were vere discounted ton ten per percent cent hager said rid there were no warrants issued and paid him the money at a discount at the saloon at the corner of tenth south and state streets at reeta which he be made his pay office the idea was that the men who spent the most moet money at the saloon were most moat likely to keep their work basil chabot testified that he be began work on the state road about april wander under morris he also worked under ben hager and was to b be paid 75 per day it if the men med waited for warrants their wages would only be dis die counted live five per cent but by getting their pay every saturday night the td discount was waa ten per cent hager paid the men at the tenth south street saloon aloon where much money was spent by the meo men it appeared that a few ruen men from the city were given the abe most moot work particularly galleazzi and a man named reese beese who were known as IM morriss ordess pots pets s brig jenson of sugar house W was balieu and testified that he be worked under ben hager and that part of his bia wages were discounted four per cent the balance ten per coot cent witness had never worked six days continuously though he was so BO shown on the payroll part of the time his bia team was ploughing sloughing hing and part hauling dirt michael smith was the next witness called he lives on eleventh Kle south and fourth east and began work on bbate road last april first for frank heath and wen then for ben hager he was wa employed the greater part of the summers was to receive per day and was discounted in his hib pay 10 per cent he kept no track of the time he be worked hager used to pay the men sit at joe Ben bennetta nettRa saloon and the boys boy used to spend a good deal of money there the more you spent the better jt it guiteu ui teu 1 suggested the county attorney yes yee the saloon map man I 1 expect 02 answered witness did you ever object to being disy discounted counted asked selectman geddes well of course I 1 like it lid aid witness but I 1 make any fuw fuse about it because I 1 thought it if I 1 did I 1 might lose loae my J job ob 0 hager told witness he be got the warrants war ranta once a month only joseph joaeph bithell worked under hager and received per day leis leea 10 per cent discount county attorney Whitte moreo i being required in the district court selectman Sele oiman zeddee at this stage the role of interrogator witness continuing sal sai i he be kept no time he As was paid in joe bennetta but was not aware that j joe go had bad any partner in the business busi nesa ne he never beara that hager had bad any interest in it sometimes when the men were being paid hager looked as if he be nan jasd been drinking a little did you make any objection to nave your wages discounted was then salted witness said no because he was badly in need of money all the abe time anu uld old not want to run any risk riak of jolink cooing n ie job P oolf if the pay roll shows that you received pay for sundays sunday a a number of times la is that thai correct cornec t ss no bir air it Is ia not I 1 cannot kemem her ber working only one sunday 0 answered bithell Bt Bi tbell samuel richardson of murray stated that he worked on the state road at murray under george kilgore last november he put in three days work and in december nineteen days daje he was to receive per day tor for november be was discounted 5 per cent and received 5 but there was no agreement with kilgore when he be began work as to the discounting of wages wage what did kilgore say gay when he discounted your wages he told me he be bad to pay 6 per cent to got get the warrants cashed did he may ay where he got the money from no air 21 if you are credited on the payroll pay roll for november with three and a half days and with having had you did not work that time 12 witness was waa confident that he drew only three days pay for december be was also discounted 6 5 per cents cent and be worked nineteen days daya he received only 2 in cash tor for december and a 9 warrant harry haynes had 11 of his ble wages fr groceries J P cahoon and to john wood he be gave the warrant the last in settlement of money that be owed him who told hotd yuu you to pay harry haynes inquired selectman geddes well 2 submissively replied the be witness 1 I had no option george kilgore paid him my bill and he also paid Ca booti s did you yon tell kilgore to do that thai no air he did li IL without my consent genwu witness calculated that three and a halt hair days V pay were still owing to him asked whether he had applied to kilgore for it and if so what whai he be said the witness responded it w was as about ton ten days daye ago that hat kilgore told him he be had not drawn it and that he be witness might no not now receive it at as all P joseph E muir a youth testified that he be began working on state road in april 1894 ploughing sloughing hing scraping and amid hauling gravel in november h he hauled material down from t the h crusher in parleys Parley Ps canyon do you ever remember hearing the name of the company that ran that crusher 12 no air what was waa the material you first hauled rock book some of it was fine and some coarse from one and one fourth inches to onland one and a half square it was put on the center part of the statu road all the material that I 1 hauled was war crushed 12 the witness did not know the total amount he was paid for hauling but be always received his full pay which was 60 cents per ton tn he got this from A C smoot and there was waa no DO time discounted die counted he did not know where mr smoot got the money from to pay him at 12 the court took an adjournment journ Jour ment Dment till 3 pm at which hour all witnesses in waiting were directed to bo be again in attendance J judge adge bartch held a special session of the third district court last evening for the purpose oi of bearing the albert cahoon contempt case it was argued by judge powers representing the defense and nd county attorney CL 0 0 41 wittemore representing the county court the complaint altos that the county court is sitting bitting as an a committee of in vesti gation in examining as to the disbursement bur of the funds of salt bait lake county for or the years yeara 1893 tend and 1894 and in such examination deemed it necessary to have the testimony of A E cahoon in reference to certain dis bur that a subpoena was duly issued and served which cahoon neglected and refused sod and still neglects neg leoto and refuses to testify wherefore an attachment tach ment is asked for judge powers first filled a demur and answer to complaint counsel said that while be would ilia die both he did not waive any rights under the demurrer he argued that the name 61 court courtO applied to the county court was a misnomer and that its chairman by virtue of his other position as judge of probate court cour toor nor the members thereof had the right to issue any judicial process the same attested by the county clerk the judge also contended that the allowance of the aa a counts by the previous court was now a matter of res adjudicates and could not be reopened by its ite successors he denied that the court had a right to organize itself into a lexow committee assuming authority to call in witnesses witness county attorney whittemore said mid the county court did not pretend to exercise judicial authority but was a part of the government claiming the right to conduct investigations such as that in progress EreM and if it was not judicial then the contention of counsel on the other side that the decision of one county court was an estoppel of all future inquiry into the he merits of a claim and binding upon all subsequent county courts must fall to the around here said bald mr whittemore was a case la in which the district court had bad decided that there were illegal warrants outstanding amounting to and if as they desired through cahoon they were prevented from inquiring into these warrants then there was no way of distinguishing between those warrants that were baptized in fraud nod collusion and those issued in satisfaction of honest boned claims the statute clothed the county court with authority to conduct such investigations gat ions he be urged and the were mere fact that the court had bail resolved received into a committee that the press and public lad seen fit at to designate a lexow lazow committee the court acting in that capacity W was shorn of none of its it authority under we the statute answering judge bartch counsel stated that hat the investigation was upon claims slid and warrants that had been issued through fraud sod and collusion in which it appeared that the very members of the court of 1898 and 1894 were involved and it was the duty of the court to do it |