Show STUPID OR OB WICKED the following appeared in a late issue of the beaver etonian Uto nian and has baa been copied into in to other papers A young lady remarked the other day after listening to Apostle Youngs sermon on tithing why mother paid all the hay bay she raised one load tor for tithing and then bought it back to teed food the cow with S for far as the original inki publication to Is concerned it may be stupid attempt at a joke its ita effait is to convey an impression that the church practically deprives deprive poor people of all they have to meet the requirement of tiame pay ing the remark lewark way may have been made but la Is publication in the form or comment harthe baa the direct effect of telling an un UD truth there le IB no requirement of he be church and never has baa been which would call for the payment by any person of all the bay or any other prod pro duce fr tithing a payment would be la in violation of the church law tithe means a tenth and all that the woman who rals edthe bay wasja rifled in contributing ae a voluntary donation to the tithing fund under the church law was obe oae tenth of the load sometimes for tue the con ven sentence veni tence ence of individual tithe when more of ono one kind of produce is preferable to dividio dividing ig it up among various kinds the contributions are accepted that way but not have been an instance of that class sino since as the lady la is alleged to have bought the hay bay back again of df course having the means meana to buy with the con trieu tribu tion lion of the purchase price in the first place would have been the easiest and most moat reasonable procedure aaa ma mat berof fact notwithstanding the eccentricities tri cities which some people display dia play it is doubtful whether such an incident ino ident as ae that related ever occurred on 00 the me other hand there is a vat vast number of auses where poor people conscientious in their desire to observe the law of tithing have contributed a tenth ninth of their earnings and then have received many times the amount frum from the church fur for their support becaro they have been deemed io in neet need of assistance if it were not for the fact that the enemies of the church have been ex cee Jingly active for many years in 10 circulating the raise false state statement meat that we the church takes from its member that which they canno cannola tafford fiord to tD contribute the publication have been passed by unnoticed but its reproduction into other aou more influential papers maats it Dece esary to point out the foolish and wicked character of this and kindred lems which wre are not news at all but are misstatements no BO fat ar as any eff deflect act they may have upon te minds of 0 the reading public |