Show HOW lip IF WORKS A gentleman has baa called our attention to the fact the recent advertising of A particular brand of has baa led to an immensely increased inore aced sale bale thereof and the suggestion follows follow that possibly an anti auti tobacco agitation has bai had some effect in drawing increased attention to the drug dru thereby an unintentionally intentionally giving it a publicity has augmented go cofar as ae the first fint part of the proposition aft concerned we have noted the she same ame ef let we also alao have noted a ii ullar sir raeul with respect to other articles placed on oa the barket for and plenty of it pays pay the advertisers better than anybody else elie for bo MODS a short abort time since ince A certain braind of cocoa was practically un ua knon in this market but lots or 9 newspaper and bush ad vestle log and the giving away ot of 99 drinks drinker JS ban baa anade it the most in its ita olai class it wats not but an but became am aa well known airs c it if there had bad been an noade upon it in pulpit aou anu press the fact that thai there was loo DO opposition to it loj led many malay people who would not use coffee or tea to delok not hot cocoa in the belief that asa as a hot drink it was superior to the and this notwithstanding the fact that the la in cocoa i 1 identical with the It belinG anu craf caffeine teine of tea left and coffee tea coffee ooola and chocolate all possess thip ingredient they are all vry very proper for particular uses uee but kg be ahot hot tb thy y are as ae Deve beverages rages in regular use uee abey are decidedly injurious Ro regarding garding the other biber part of the p reposition proposition it la in a religious duty imposed upon the letter latter da day y beings to refrain from the tea popular use of tobacco liquor hot drinks etc me a they are J directed lo in that word ot of wisdom 1 gi given on by revolution revelation frow from heaven it la is I 1 the duty of those called to teach the saints to proclaim the word so the people shall have a full understanding of its ito import and then shall hall decide for them selves as ae to the course to pursue it such proclamation were to be re footed an ae completely as the rejected noahs preaching ot the coining deat destruction ruction it would make no difference in the be responsibility of those called to declare the word of the lord their duty is in clear and when thy they have performed it and not before they are free from any charge of neglect what the DO people 0 pie do to is a matter of weir own choice but the th recent effect of the preaching of the word of wisdom has bag not bee been a to alwa people against the to teaching soh on ette contrary it la is a fact well known to very many people io matly many parts of this territory nd Olse P elsewhere where and is ia easily capable of demonstration the latte rd sainte that among a vast amount amoun t of good has been accomplished thereby men who have been addicted the greater part of their liverato li veato the practices decried against have broken off and re reformed formea their habits habit women who for years yean un mindful of the a advice d vi ce regarding hot beverages have been led into a now new and practical view of their duty boys boya and girls who have been starting out in one or other of the condemned habits hv have given them UPS up and seek to follow etri strictly otly the divine counsel the numbers nun obera ot of these are not few besides them bm multitudes ot people have been warned and young have comprehended the warning so that in after life lit abey will be keown and honored an w firm observers of the word of great as aa Is in the work yet to be done that which already has been so ac is 18 ample reward for all the labor performed and is a source of the biggest encouragement for continuing lo ila the tn good pause the leaven is still working liet let the labor go on in a spirit cirit of lovos love of reasor 1119 of persuasion of instruction of the gospel which to is this the power of led god unto salvation to evry every true bel bellivell belle levell veit |