Show MISTAKES IN NAMES RIVERTON utah march 26 1895 in your paper of friday march 22 you said eald that out sheriff hardy and As distant county attorney harrington went to riverton to take part in toe hearing bearing of the case before me justice of the peace of tuat tast precinct inot in which bates henderson henderdon Hend ereon and two others are charged with petit larceny your la in formant news to have beiva got talaga lt come onke mixed in regard to names namee ann ftfe dt fe about one year ago barnet Earne and bd john bates bate were we arrested on W charge of petit larceny and discharged there being no evidence against the them whatever mr henderson Hende raon has baa never been arr eted and brought before this thie court on OB any charge whatever sit at any time mr harrington and mr hardy came to riverton on march 10 to be b present at the hearing ot of one heber debef thorne charged with burglary I 1 wish you would litt att the matter right before the public as an the lo arties interested ed think that an injustice has haa been done them E MILLER justice juanice ot of the peace riverton pre A letter to the same purport as a the above has hag been received from mr hir henderson henderso Hen deroo himself hia relf the NEWS truly regrets the error which was caused through imperfect chirography and perhaps poor proof proofreading proofread reacting inK NEWS |