Show PROVO ITEMS following ia from our provo corrOl corr pendent date of april 3rd ard yesterday day afternoon afier noon a little boy bov wm wb asa wasl herding cows cow in hobble cre areek canyon about three and a halt half eiloo mil t or of springville Spring ville discovered tb body of a man in some brush bruah in A ravine to town and the tb officers accompanied him biru to the alao where the body was waa lying it Is ia be lieveld that the deceased was waa from a burso or stumbled and fell a distance above where he be was wai fonow foudos as aa his big hat bat was waa found some borne dist from the body and appeared to ba been broken through a tall fall the poo poll tion alon of the body in the brush bruah also abo andl caged that it had been violently throw there the eyes or the fortunaK man have been picked out and his face is ig otherwise mutilated by birda it to ia I 1 thought bought he has been doaa dead about 0 month lie he was wan well dressed and wore wor a black derby darby baij bai a brown over black cost coat and vest veat and chocked checked congress Con greiB and or AlaskA 16 he is ia to be about fifty yes JO of age and has a red board beard with gray ruay evening mr hi P oral crag dall of springville Spring ville died buildt BUild enly 7 while he was waa milking a cow 00 throw threw up his hia bands banda and made some mea re marks and fell to the ground A lattio boy xan ran to the house an and d I 1 informed Os ft mily when they arrived on abo ta acone mr crandall gave a gasp and ao f expired mr crandall was wag 65 years 0 age he was waa one of the twelve woo who first settled Spring springville ville and WO W well known throughout toe tae territory having been largely engaged in ID rall ra j road contracting yesterday be abow owed two acres ot grain and remarked to is neighbor that he be would beresf hereafter tor to main at home and take care capreol ca of his little farm arm mr crandall leave two lw wives and a number of children ly grown up |