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Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 24, 1929. Notice is hereby given that the Provo Reservoir Company, whoBe principal place of business is Provo, Utah, has made application in accordance accord-ance with the requirements o the Session Laws of Utah, 1919 to 1927 inclusive to appropriate 20 c. f. s. ot water from American Fork River in Utah County, Utah. Said water la to be diverted at a point which hears N. 9 degrees 50 minutes E. 4242 ft, from the SW cor. of Sec. 32, T. 4 S., R. 2 E., S. L. B. & M. and conveyed a distance of 10,000 ft. where It will be used from April 1st to October 31st of each year aa a supplemental supply sup-ply for the irrigation of 3280 acres of land embraced In S seo. 25; S SEJ4 Sec. 2G; N Sec. 34; Sees. 35, 36, T. 4 S., R. 1 E., W Soc. 31; SWSWJL Sec. 30, T. 4 S., R. 2 E., NEViNE'l'SW, N'j NWi4 Soc. 2, T. 5 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. The water under this application is now being used to irrigate certain tracts of land in T. 5 S., Ranges 1 and 2 East and it Is the Intention of the applicant to apply this water to lands lying above applicant's canal and exchange ex-change therefor an equal quantity of water from Provo River now owned by the applicant. This application Is designated In the Slate Engineer's Oflic.o as File No. 10610. All prolosls against the granting of said application, staling the rea.sonH therefor, must bo by alliidavit In duplicate, accompanied with a feo of $1.00, and filed in this ollico wllhin thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. CF.O. M. MACON, Stale. Engineer. Date of first publication, Juno 1, 11(29. Datr of completion of publication, June 29, 1929. |