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Show Hedquist and Thornton Drug Stores Robbed Wed. Night I Two of the most clever robberies that has happened in this city occurred oc-curred Wednesday evening, when both the Hedquist and .Thornton Drug stores were robbed. The back window win-dow of the Thornton Drug Store was pried open for the theief to enter the store. The back door was opened ready for a quick exit if apprehended. The "dope'' case, containing morphine and other drugs was broken open, the thieves just taking certain kinds that presumedly suited their taste. The prescripion case was also ransacked. ran-sacked. Mr. Rollo Thornton's private desk was broken open, the lock ruined and the desk badly marred by the instrument used to pray it. The fountain foun-tain pen case was stripped of about $200.00 worth of pens. The keys to j the jewelry cases, fountain pen case, the key to the door leading to the up stairs offices were all taken. The cash register was left open but was not molested. Twenty-five dollars in green backs was taken which belonged belong-ed to the Pickwick Stage Line. It is not definitely known the extent of the entire loss. After leaving the Thornton Thorn-ton Drug Store, the looters entered the Hedquist Drug Store, through the back window and left the door and window both open after their exit. The "dope" case was broken open but very little was taken. Manager G. L. Smith states that the loss here was very small. The sheriff's office has been notified noti-fied and Marshal Winter is investigating investi-gating the case. In talking the matter over it is almost al-most universal opinion that the robbers rob-bers probably left their car on the street west of Main street and walked walk-ed to the rear of the stores leaving the same way. Nigktwatchman Gardiner leaves the town at daylight and the robbery could have been done after he left for his home or else there were two yeggs, one to watch Mr. Gardiner and the other to do the work. That "dope" was the main thing they were after is evidenced by the fact that no cigars or cigarettes were missing, and very little jewelry taken. |