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Show Activities For Poultry Day All Lined Uo mv Poultry Show and Exhibit, kvZ Covert, Mammoth Parade, i Thicken Lunch, Sports, Fire-fls Fire-fls Concessions, etc. All Scheduled Sched-uled For DayCelebration. ne Dest celebration of the whole ;, iU be the verdict of the thous-1&l thous-1&l to end the third annual try Founders' Day to be held ' in American Fork Wednesday, 6 26 The committees in charge Tthe days' activities comprise a list fte town's live wires, and from imports, a day chuck full of fun, Zm and entertainment for every-W every-W j8 t0 be had something doing Zt nute from daybreat until lidnigM, a variety of entertainment t0 please all classes of people Following the daybreak salute and flae wising, a band serenade will be IL by the local Silver band under Z direction of K. J. Bird. At 9:30 m will be the parade call. The Ambling will take place at the Al-ne Al-ne Stake Tabernacle corner, and !ine o march will go east to the end of the pavement, countermarch back to Jesse Green's corner, and Hence east to the Tabernacle. The parade is to be divided into lour sections, with a 100 yard space between each section. The following schedule is a better clue to the complete com-plete parade lineup and formation: SECTION I. This will be under direction of the American Legion, ho will have charge of all flags. The color guard will be mounted and will lead, followed by a band. The members mem-bers of the General committees will follow in cars. The 222nd and 145th F A;s from Camp Williams at the Jordan Narrows and the various Boy Scout troops wall be included in this section. SECTION II. This will include the Queen's float, band, Miss American Fork, Poultry floats, Lions, American Legion, Churches, M. I. A., Primary, Fire Departments, School, Service Star, City Council and Baseball Club's floats. SECTION III. Band and industrial Boats. Each business house will be given a number and will follow accordingly. ac-cordingly. The following concerns irill feature in this section: American Ameri-can Fork Motor, Walter Strange Garage, Ga-rage, Alpine Publishing Co., Cameo Theatre, Marion Robinson, 0. P. Skaggs, E. J. Seastrand, J. C. Penney, Kelly & Elsmore, Tanner Style Shop, Thornton Drug Co., Chipman Lumber, Bennet-Werner Radio Co., Fulton Market, City Cash Feed, Boley's Inc., Ellison Cleaning Co., Chipman MerC. Co., A. F. Saddlery, Bank of Am. Fork Utah Power & Light Co., John and Ren, Briggs Pharmacy, A. F. Shoe Shop, Home Bakery, Peoples State Bank, Walter Slack, A. F. Co-op., Umoreaux Barber Shop, D. T. R. Co. Jack's Place, A. & W. Root Beer, A. W. Pulley & Sons, Star Milling Co., Cobblestone Station, Sorensen Service Station, First Ward Store, S. P. Grant, Humphries Floral, Crookston Crooks-ton Barber Shop, Service Garage, Nielsen Auto Co., Mt. States Tel. & Tel. Co., Rohbock Floral, L. R. Kitchen, Kitch-en, A. F. Oil Co., Perkins Service, Mutual Creamery, Chicken City Cafe, Bonneville Lumber Co., Apollo Hall nd A. & W. Inn. SECTION IV. Comics. This is under the direction of Earl "Hap" Holmstead. The features of this section sec-tion are to remain a mystery until the time ot the parade. There will be marshals of the day n mounts and other bands from Utah wnty in attendance at the parade. . The free chicken lunch will be "vc-d at noon to the throngs at the Cil' Hall grounds, adjoining the school grounds, where all the conces-Slns conces-Slns and main features of the day wi'l take place. The menu consists a tasty chicken sandwich and a ''"'erase. Music will be an added attrition at-trition 0 this feature. The special poultry program will be "eld at the Alpine Stake Taber-acK Taber-acK at 1:30 p. m. Among some of ,1S! numbers to be given are: Two! flections from, the American Fork auJ; Teppy poultry songs from 25 j-lrls dressed to represent white leg-"rn leg-"rn chickens; instrumental music; jfss from J. w. Hoopes of Brlg-City, Brlg-City, president of the Utah Poul- Ass'n; short talk from secretary Manager C. C. Edmonds of the uUry Ass'n.; address from Prof. Aldr of the U. A. C. C- k Warnick, chairman of the eeting, will introduce Rudolph nold, president of the A. F. Poul-Ass'n. Poul-Ass'n. and general chairman ot DAT'S COMPLETE SCHEDULE SCHED-ULE OF EVENTS Daylight Salute. Flag raising At Sun-rise. 9 a. m. Band Serenade. 9:30 a. m. Parade call. ..10 a. m. Mammoth parade. 12 m. Free chicken lunch. 1:30 p. m. Special Poultry Program! at Stake Tabernacle. 2 p. m. Childrens' Sports and Candy Shower. 3 p. m. Official League Baseball Base-ball game. Provo vs. American Fork. 4:30 p. m. Daylight fireworks. fire-works. 4:45 p. m. Rodeo, .horse races, other sports. 5:30 p. m. Beauty contest. Band concert. 7:00 p. mL Big banquet, tabernacle. tab-ernacle. 8:30 p. mi. Night fireworks display. 9:30 p. m. Two big dances, Apollo Hall and Geneva. the day. Special guests will include Poultry notables from both the Pacific Paci-fic coast and the east. The childrens sports and races to commence at 2 p. m. will be held at the City Hall grounds. There will be prizes for all racing and contesting. Candy will be showered to the kiddies from the City Hall roof. Lucky numbers num-bers will be enclosed, holders of same to receive special prizes and boxes of chocolates. The baseball game scheduled for 3 p. m. will be held at the ball park. This game will be an outstanding attraction" at-traction" of the day, not only for the entertainment it furnishes, but cause it is an official game oh the Utah Central League. The two contenders con-tenders for the league championship will battle, American Fork and Provo. Pro-vo. Fans from the entire state are expected to be in attendance. Following the game, a daylight fire works exhibit will be shown. This is the first day display ever shown ia this city. Over $100 of fire pieces will be used at this time. Sports following this event will consist of a rodeo, horse races, clown antics, Indian acts and other special sport novelties. Commencing at 5:50 p. m. a beauty contest will be conducted at the City Park grounds. This is not to be a bathing revue, but will be more in the order of a fashion show. Anyone In the northend of Utah county is eligible to enter. Further details on this will be given next week. However, How-ever, during the show, the band will be in attendance to furnish musical accompaniment for the pretty parad-ers parad-ers of fashion. At 7 p. m. sharp, the big banquet will be served at the Alpine Stake Tabernacle to over three hundred people. The Poultry Queen will reign at this affair as an honored guest. Other poultry and railroad notables will also be present at this function. Commencing at 8:30 p. m. the biggest big-gest fireworks display ever shown in American Fork will be exhibited at the ball park grounds. Over $300 has Deen expended on this feature alone. The various set pieces will consist ot the American Flag, Niagra Falls, a battle between two war ships, and other noted displays. Other numbers -will be fires and salutes, ariel salutes and spectacular parachute exhibitions. exhibi-tions. Two big dances will wind up the day. One at the Apollo Hall for those who care to remain in the city and enjoy the concession merriment, and the other at cool Geneva resort's outdoor out-door dance hall. Gene Chipman's orchestra, composed of porular Salt Lake musicians, will furnish the music at the Apollo, and the Columbians Colum-bians will play at Geneva. Throughout the entire day, a big poultry show and exhibit will take place at the New Gymnasium. Trizes will be given for the various entrants. Continuous shows will also be in progress at the Cameo Theatre. The best in concession entertainment entertain-ment has been secured, consisting of a merry-go-round, ferris wheel and comic shews. Several commercial airplane companies will have planes here doing stunt work and other machines will be available for those desiring a ride. The best of everything is being combined com-bined to make Poultry Day the biggest big-gest entertainment ot the year. No one should miss this coming fete! |