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Show PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW Office J. U. Thorne licniileuce Phone 57VT A PJOliliP.-iSlVE, INDKPENUHXT I'PP.I.TCATTOX ' ' Entered in the Post Officii at I'l.-asant Grove, Utah, as second-class! matter. Subscription rates. $2 ."iO per year in advance, j Advertisement nt.es : Display, 30 centi a column inch. Legal j notices and readers, -L'al rate of 10 cents per eiht-point line per in-! Hertion. Want ads. Jiate 2 cents per word each insertion. Payment must, accompany advertisement. V F. GATXFOPI), JR - .KDITOK memder V., AsSOC!ATf0,'j1 NATIONAL EDITOR a J , I |