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Show i George A. Storrs and J. W. Storrs of Los Angeles, California, visited a few days last week with relatives in American Fork. Mrs. Edith Matthews and children of Twin Falls, Idaho, are visiting indefinitely in-definitely at the home of Mrs. Matthews' Mat-thews' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Buckwalter. Messrs. Karl Bennett and Harold Werner spent Wednesday and Friday in Salt Lake City, where Ihey attended attend-ed it lie Western States Music and Radio convention held at the Hotel Utah. Mr. Bennett and Mr. Werner are local radio dealers. Mrs. W. A. Devey entertained Wednesday afternoon complimentary to the twelth birthday of her daughter. daught-er. Helen. Twentv-four frierids were entertained with games and music, after which delicious refreshments were served. flishop Joseph It. Storrs left Thursday morning for California, where he will attend the funeral of his brother George's wife, Celia Storrs, Saturday in Los Angeles. Interment, will also be made in Los Anpeles. Bishop Storrs is expected home Tuesday of next week. |