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Show iSite of Home For Feeble Minded Ail Secured Report Shows That American Fork's Chances Growing Better For Location Loca-tion On One of These Sites. I Dr. G. S. Richards, president of the local Lions Club, reported Thurs clay evening at the luncheon that chances for the location of the state home or school for the feeble minded in American Fork was practically assured. as-sured. Two entire sites with culinery water have been tied up with options and reports made to the state commission com-mission of the steps taken. Individual members of the commission have been approached and every indication points to the location here of this newly created school. Two locations Proffered In order to leave no loop hole or come-back concerning the site for this state institution local Lions club committees have secured two seper-ate seper-ate and distinct sites of several hundred hun-dred acres north of town and a private pri-vate water supply. Options have been taken on this property and water at prevailing prices and everything tied up in a business-like manner. One site includes the property in the vicinity of the Elmer Chipman farm and the other in the section near Featherstone's hill. The large Wadley springs east of here some one to two miles has also been secured which will provide ample water for all culinery purposes. Definite Action Expected Definite action from the state commission com-mission is expected any day now since the time limit for the selection of the site is about up. It is reasonably reason-ably expected, that we are away out in front in the race to secure this institution. Beaver was after the school but due to their geographical location they are practically out of the running. This is also true of Brigham City, which town was also bidding for the school. Both of these places have practically conceded that American Fork has advantages over them especially in locations and are expecting the location to be made in our city. This information comes from men of both of these cities, according ac-cording to Dr. Richards report. Business of Lions Other business taken up in tho Lions meeting Thursday included reports re-ports and plans for future work. A report on the Lions follies gave the net proceeds for the club from the show to be $112.00. A vote carried to purchase another electric stove for use in preparing the meals. The speaker of the evening was Dr. F. D. Worlton who gave an interesting in-teresting discussion on conditions in Europe compared to America in the medical and surgical profession. Two fine voca.l solos were rendered by Earl Crookstson, accompanied by Miss Helen Moffett. |