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Show VJrrz7.r?-T?-l'-rr'T- - in SATURDAY AND MONDAY 1 Tall Salmon 16c 2 Large Cans Pineapple 45c 5 Pounds Powdered Sugar . 49c 2 Cans Dunbar Shrimps 45c Quart Pierces Catsup 19c Cartoon Matches 15c 1 Pint Wesson Oil .29c Y2 Pound Package Cocoanut 22c Q.RSKACGS American Fork This Smart Assemblage of New fflSf Proves the Thrift ! fnirl ' group of outstanding fashion successes thai i 1fu 1111 JMlSlL, includes practically every popular mode . t 1 I 1 W--f e new taor Sleeveless frocks, jacket III' li jimX 11 ' Sstumes s1?1 lS collars, fluttering 11 l I II I! IllvWfiiP Shirts prints and plain colors U H iJUIUV uV v . there is variety enough tQ u I i I patisfy every need . . . and j l 1 I YOU BE THE JUDGE ! PROOF! h You are buying ilic tire. You have a rirht to Jiiiow wli;iL i pj you're getting;. Come in and make 1 lie -2 lests yourself si ...M'c'll not ask you to buy. .Most interest ing tests ever t p made on a tire, they show 1 fie definite superiority oi' (!ood- ' V year Tires in both (1) TJiEAD (2) CLKCASS so simple f jj a child can understand : ; jj THE TREAD TEST TJIE (JAUOAXS TEST i You feel the superior All- You see tho SUPERTWIST Cord I Weather Tread Traction stretch t'J percent farther t 3 PROOF: Jlore peopel ride on Goodyears than on any ; I other kind. I Let u.s explain to you the new Goodyear Lifetime Guar- f antee. : fi il "e carry the complete Goodyear line every Goodyear ; rnade with SUPERTWIST and every Goodyear yuaran- 1 t(-f;J f"r life your size and type at lowest prh-es.' j It does not cost more to buy a Goodyear Tire ' ! Walter A. Strang'-- Cameo Theatre I Weekly Program 2 : : Saturday, June 15, Big Double Show I James Oliver Curwood's overwhelming north wood thriller. ! "YELLOW BACK" We law rides iu the north drama and romance follow in its . 'fail. Also "THE TIP OFF" with Bill Cody. Good melodrama. J tineo 3 P, M. 10c and 15c. Evening 10c and 23c. Sunday and Monday, June 16 and 17 Victor McLaglen and Leatrice Joy in Ul f , "STRONG BOY" j s full of surprises in a fast travling comedy. More laughs than tjere are toots in a locomotive whistle. Also Good Comedy.. ! Admission lOo and 25c. Tuesday and Wednesday, June 18 and 19 "GIRLS GONE WILD" with Sue Caro land Nick Stewart Tlie dizzy, whizzy whirl o,t modern youth gone mad. - 2-ttad Palpper who didn't stop until she passed one cop too , many. Also News and Comedy. - "Wednesday Admission, Pictures Only, 10c and 25c. Tuesday Special Vaudeville by American Fork Lions With Picture Program ! Prices 15c and 30c. Thursday and Friday, June 20 and 21 : "PROTECTION" I All Star Cast. J Do t A neWspaPer melodrama hot off the press. j miss seeing "Protection" when you make your selection I U'I1 be well paid. Also good comdy. 10c and 25c. j |