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Show Competition Getting , Hotter In Queen Contest: One More Week To Vote Competition is decidedly hotter between the city's fair contestants for the Poultry Queen honor than it was last week. Eliminations were made at the last count leaving only the nine highest contenders, . and from the score board, some keen rivalry ri-valry will be in evidence for this select position during the next and last week of voting. Misses Violet Preston, Hone Gor-den Gor-den and Lenore Crookston lead the list. The difference is not so great between each of their totals .that it could be made up. Rumor has It that a large amount of votes are being be-ing held back on several of the yound ladies, so just who will be Queen is a hard thing to foretell. Another count is to be taken today, but was scheduled too late for this week's publication. Watch the Drug Stores for the last totals. The following list gives the recent standing: Violet Preston 146,275 Ilene Gorden 143,275 Lenore Crookston 122,000 LaRae Buckwalter 72,000 J Selma Seastrand 46,725 j Mayme Wing tit..-4i 44,600 Eva Anderson 36,575 Stella Julian 17,550 Esther Pulley 15,675 Everyone support your choice of the above candidates. A $50 cash prize goes to the winner, win-ner, and $15 to the second rater. Next week is your last chance to vote. Votes are on sale at all Drug Stores, and are given away at some of the business concerns with purchases. At the big dance to be held Thursday Thurs-day evening, June 20, the final count will be made and Poultry Queen named. With each ticket sold, 2,000 votes will be given away. |