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Show Foster. Refreshments were sprrcj proximately sixty guesta, 'j ed the meeting last Thursj l The Daughters ol the pJ' ' discontinue their monthly c 1 during July and Aue: opening social -will be early and will he given in honor m i pioneers of 1847 to 1869. "I Large Collection Of Pioneer Relics On Display At Public Library-According Library-According to announcements from the Daughters of the ' Pioneers, a splendid collection of pioneer relics are now on display at the Public Library in the large show case, placed plac-ed there some time ago by the Pioneer Pio-neer Daughters. A large amount of the relics were secured last Thursday afternoon, June 6, at the Relic Shower given in the City Hall by this organization. Some of the most noted articles are over 200 years old. One interesting relic is a sun-bonnet made out of black alpaca, and worn across the plains in '47. The rest are equally as interesting, and each has a small history attached to the article, for the visitors' benefit. It is also announced that any other oth-er commodity of pioneer history would be welcomed. Persons having any relics are asked to send them to Ithe Daughters of the Pioneers or take it to the librarian, Mrs. Emma |