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Show Pleasant Grove Locals j i ... . , i i i ... r Mr. and Mrs. Walter BroWn J Cora Brewer and son, Mrs g.J Kirkendall and children, Mar cj and Josie, of Bingham, were of Mrs. Sine Nielson Strawberr I 7 h On Strawberry Day, Elders j, and Miller, Misses Stewart an,'' j tons visited with Mr. and Mrs h I i01 Fugal. ' sl!j Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wadiey 1 daughter, Lucile, motored to 0 ' ' Thursday. s- ( i Mr. and Mrs. John L. A'tooj family of Charleston and Mrs g' Atwood were guests o Mr. atuj I' L. M. Atwood Tuesday. : Mrs. Fern Edwards and Mrs y tha Adams attended L. D s "" - COfi' cnce at Salt Lake Friday and sa-day. sa-day. On Monday Mr. Lockhead, a sionary friend of Delbert Fuga ed at the Fugal home. Mr. Manw formerly of Monterey, Califon a visitor at the Fugal home TuesI'( Mr. and Mrs. Roy Halliday and family of Salt Lake, spent Tuesday in Tieasant Grove, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hayes and family fami-ly of Salt Lake, visited with relatives here Strawberry Day. Mrs. Nida Bradley and children of Moroni, were the guests of Mrs. Brad ley's mother, Mary B. Hales, Tuesday5, Mrs. Grant Larson, Mrs. Allen Noble, Miss Ora Gale, Miss Aileen Noble of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Makin and family of American Fork, and Mr. and Mrs. Thell Aston and family of Lindon, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Noble, Strawberry Day. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burns, ,LaVerl Burns and John Matthews of Santa Maria, California, motored to Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove for Strawberry Day, after a brief visit with relatives here they will return to California, where they are employed. Frances Jones and Grant Bayles uf Blanding, were the guests of Mrs. Melba Cluff Sunday. Miss Geneva Thompson of Salt Lake, visited with Mrs. E. B. Waller and family Sunday. Prof, and Mrs. Osmond and family were Sunday guests with Mrs. E. B. Walker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Walker returned re-turned to their home in Garland Monday after several days visit with relatiies and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith of Alpine, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Naylor of Midvale, were guests of their parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hot-man Hot-man Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Daybell, Mr. and Mrs. Boreu and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Thacker and family of Charleston, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Boren and family on Strawberry Day. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Green and family of American Fork, were Pleasant Grove visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. ffamcs Tyson of Crigham City were Pleasant Grove visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walker, formerly form-erly of England but now of Salt Lake, called at the J. D. Thorne home on Strawberry Day. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Greaves of Preston, Idaho, formerly of this city, were Blinking hands with old friends hero on Strawberry Day. The Health conference of the Lindon Lin-don and Windsor wards was held Monday at the Lindon school. Nine babies were examined. Miss Florence Wright accompanied accompan-ied her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wright of SanLa Maria, California, home for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Bessie Wright, and other oth-er relatives. Mr. ; .Mr.-;. William ltiehmuml ot i'i ,r;,i. II'). Idaho, ami their dan --'liter, .Mr -!. Ki a :-:ioel,:ng, of l:url-y. I!alio, ;,!v vi- V.U7, fur it f..-w (lays with Mr. a i,. I M. ;. I'. I.. Ciilini:!'. Mr. ami Mrs. J)els Killion of .S h , -1 N y , Idaho, and C irtis Ellsworth or Salt Like, U'-n: the guests of Mr. end Mrs. .lames I). Thorne Monday t: ml Tuesday. Mr. iin.l Mrs. Uule .Vanlass, ao (-nmpuuiwl by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waiilnxa of l.chi, will have Thursday Thurs-day morning for an auto trip through California. Miss Kihel Slioell, a bride of next week, -nlc.-rtHim.Tl yesterday af'er-1,'oon af'er-1,'oon al a t rnuaeaii tea at the home of her -parent.-), Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hhoell. line lundred wind fifty 1, ulies called during the afternoon. Mrs. J. It. Hailiday and Son, John, Jr., went to Salt Lake Thursday morning. John returned Thursday evening but his mother left for Ogdea to visit her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Laudie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred 3. Shoell of Magna, and Mr. and Mrs. William Cullimore, Jr., of Garland, were guests of relatives here on Strawberry Straw-berry Day. Miss IMna Walker, who is em-' ployed in Salt Lake City, is visiting a f' days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James FT. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Olson and family of Long Beach, California, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Olson and family of Pleasant Grove were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wadley Wednesday. Mrs. Irene Peay of Garfield, Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Bezzant of Ventura, California, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Wilson Wil-son of Casper, Wyoming, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lawson of Casper, Wyoming, were guests of Mrs. Margaret Mar-garet Wilson Tuesday. Mrs. Margaret Wright entertained Sunday evening at a family dinner. The invited guests were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stratton, Sr., and her brothers, George and John Stratton, artd their families. Covers were laid for forty. Harry Richards left Wednesday for Twin Falls, Idaho, to install and take charge of a cold pack plant belonging be-longing to the H. W. Jacobs Co. The plant has contracted almost the en ire crop, of cherries ot that district to be handled by the cold pack method. Mrs. Minnie Dittmore, Mr. and Mrs. William Dittmore, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kelander and Mr. and Mrs. M'arval Walker attended the funeral of John Bjork, a brother of the late William Bjork of the Windsor wart:!, at the Holiday ward chapel Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Bjork was 96 years of age. The Beehive Girls of the Manila ward gave a social Friday evening, June 7, at the home of Nell Swenson in honor of their beekeeper, Mrs Lurena Warnick. The evening was spent in games and refreshments, a beautiful gift was presented to Mrs. Warnick in appreciation of her labors lab-ors as their teacher. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Chadwick, who have been in Denver, Colorado lor the past winter, are spending their vacation with relatives and friends iu Pleasant Grove and American Ameri-can Fork. Mr. Chadwick is attending college at Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Austin of Idaho Ida-ho Falls, and Mr. and Mil. E. L. Ve- ter and family of Salt Like, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Burraston of Goshen, Bishop Bish-op and Mrs. Cluff of Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Perry of Provo. were visitors at the E. B. Walker heme Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Cooper and son, Bert, attended the Utah Postmasters convention con-vention at Salt Iake Monday and Tuesday. On Monday the entire convention con-vention visiteU the Arthur Mill at Magna and the Utah Copper Club, where they were guests at a banquet, program and dance. On Tuesday they Mere guests of the Salt Lake Chamber Cham-ber of Commerce at a luncheon. Miss Lucy Wadley of the I'pendith Beehive Swarm won first honorable mention iu' the church Beehive scrap book contest. There were 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and eight honorable mentions. Miss Lucy received first honorable mention and was presented present-ed with a book in honor of her achievement. The Timpanogos Stake represenatives in the scrap book contest con-test were: Lucy Wadley, Elva Eaves and Nell Swenson. m - |