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Show Local Firm Awarded Valuable Franchise Local citizens who have heard of the amazing results mhich have been accomplished by Sargon will be interested in-terested in the important announcement announce-ment that this new and scientific formula can now be obtained in this city. Manufacturers of this revolutionary formula have followed out the policy of selecting outstanding firms as exclusive ex-clusive agents in every city where the new medicine has been introduced. introduc-ed. Leading druggists everywhere have acclaimed it as a triumph in the field of modern medicine and have been eager to be among the first to supply It to their trade. Never before in the history of the world has the progress of Medical Science been so rapid. One important discovery after another has been made which will have a far-reaching effect upon the health and well-being of mankind. Some of these discoveries dis-coveries are startling in the extreme and absolutely disprove many of the beliefs, practices and theories we have known for a life-time. As scientific investigators learn more and more about the human anatomy, an-atomy, the practice of medicine changes the old is discarded for the new. As ai result of this world-wide medical med-ical research, Science has discovered discover-ed that good health is largely governed govern-ed and maintained by three vital organs or-gans and fluids of the body. These are the liver, the blood and the endocryne glands. What is more important, we have learned that these organs and fluids can be stimulated and invigorated by certain basic elements. Having knowledge of these important impor-tant discoveries, one of America's leading bio-chemists succeeded, after I two and one-half years of laboratory research, in combining these basic elements in one formula which may well be considered one of the greatest great-est health-giving remedies of the age. It is called Sargon. This formula and the formula for Sargon Soft Mass Pills, which are as essential and integral in-tegral part of the treatment, are the I property of the Sargon Laboratories and can be obtained by no other firm or individual in the world. This new scientific treatment, which represents much of our latest knowledge on modern therapy, has neen acclaimed by druggists throughout through-out America as a triumph In the field of medicine. With the needs of their customers uppermost in their minds, leading druggists everywhere have been eager eag-er to be among the first to supply it to their trade. Although introduced in the West only a few weeks ago, Sargon has already become a household word. In Salt Lake City and Denver alone, over 53,000 bottles of Sargon and Sargon Soft Mass Pills have been sold and distributed by local firms Nothing like it has ever been seen before. As a matter of fact the marvelous success achieved by this remarkable medicine actually staggers the imagination. imagi-nation. The demand for Sargon has been positively phenomenal and is probably unprecedented in the history his-tory of the drug trade. In the state of California alone, the astonishing total to supply the tremendous tre-mendous demand during the first sixty six-ty days this remarkable medicine was on sale. Six solid carloads were ordered by Texas firms the first ninety days after its introduction in that state. The success of Sargon in Minnesota has been so overwhelming that the Twin Cities, Minneapolis and St. Paul, are selling it at the rate of $200,000 a year through retail channels chan-nels alone, to say nothing of the immense im-mense wholesale distribution. Over 250,000 bottles have been sold and distributed by Kansas City firms Memphis wholesale and retail dealers deal-ers have required more than 150,000 bottles Atlanta retail firms are selling sell-ing it at the rate of 560,000 yearly. These are actual figures which can easily be verified and the sales in other sections have been correspondingly correspond-ingly large. The exclusive agency for Sargon and Sargon Soft Mass Pills for this city and section has been awarded to the Wm. Thornton Drug Co. In anticipation an-ticipation of the enormous demand, this well-known firm has just received receiv-ed a large shipment of these celebrated cele-brated medicines. adv. |