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Show American Fork Locals W. A. Devey was a business visitor iu Salt Lake City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith and family spent Strawberry Day In Pleasant Grove, guests of, Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Olsen spent Wednesday in Salt Lake City visiting visit-ing Mrs. Olsen's brother, C. A. Slorrs of Richfield, who is ill in a Salt Lake hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt and Mrs. Roy Miller motored to the Berg Ranch in Provo canyon Sunday, where they visited with Mrs. Miller's husband, who is employed there. Mrs. Veda Titcomb returned to her home in Grand Junction, Colorado, after visiting 'three weeks at the John Titcomb home, guest of Miss Francis Titcomb. Mr. and Mrs. Ieslie Smith and family accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Olsen and children of Long Beach, California, enjoyed an outing in Provo canyon Sunday. Get our prices, then corn- Mrs. Frank Brown visited in Lehi Monday with her mother, Mrs. D. E. Jones. Sargon, the New Health Treatment, at Briggs Pharmacy. adv. The following young couples motored motor-ed to Vivian Park, Provo canyon, Sunday, where they enjoyed picnic dinner and an outing: Messrs. and Mesdames Owen Lynch, Marion Mercer, Mer-cer, Bernard Storrs and Milton Adams. Home Missionary Appointments Ap-pointments For Sunday Home missionaries have been appointed ap-pointed to speak in the wards of Alpine Al-pine Stake on Sunday evening, June 16th, 1929, as follows: Alpine Ward Thomas Codfiington, James H. Pulley. i Am. Fork First Reed H. Robin-son, Robin-son, Mada Shelley. Am. Fork Second James W. Vance William B. Smith: Am. Fork Third Delbert Chipman Eugene Nicholes. . Am. Fork Fourth John H. Robinson, Robin-son, Ell J. Clayson. Highland Earl S. Greenwood, John M. Kleinman. pare them with others. Quality 'always highest. Humphries. Tel. 2-00. adv. Mrs. Arnold Peterson and daughter, daught-er, Renee, of Price, are here for a short visit at the home of Mrs. Peterson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Christensen. Mrs. Leslie Smith and children, Elaine, Wendell and Bernell, and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Olsen and two children, child-ren, Bobby and Jean, jf California, motored to Magna Wednesday, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Thorne and family. : Sargon, the New Health Treatment, at Briggs Pharmacy. adv. Mr. and Mrs. James Hansen and family of West Jordan, were Tuesday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Njcholes, Miss Bessie Robinson has accepted a position with the local J. C. Penney concern in their Dry Goods and Ladies ready-to-wear kiepartments, She commenced her new activities this morning. Miss Robinson is an experienced saleswoman and comes to the Penney institution very capable cap-able to handle the position. Mrs. E. P. McGrew and children, Gwen, Keith, Merlin and Virginia, in company with Mr. McGrew's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee McGrew of Salt Lake City, are leaving this morning bv auto for California, where they will visit relatives and enjoy a sight-aeeing sight-aeeing trip for several weeks. They expect to return home the forepart of July. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Myers were guests at dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bush. That afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Bush and Mrs. J. E. Wright of Long Beach, California, the latter who is a guest at the Bush home, en-' en-' joyed a motor trip through Provo canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith euter-tained euter-tained Saturday evening complimentary complimen-tary to Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Olsen of Long Beach. Games an'd music were the entertaining diversions, after aft-er which a delicious tray luncheon was served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wadlpyr..Mr. and Mr3. A. J. Olsen, Ol-sen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Olsen, Mrs. Fern Edwards of Pleasant Grove, Miss Elaine Smith of this city, the host and hostess and the honored guests. |