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Show 'Thousands Attend Annua! I Strawberry Festival i the ball park was much enjoyed. Ilodeo, racing, etc., the horse pulling contests, won by Provo teams, and the ball game, also, won by Provo from American Fork by a score of 11 to 8 did much toward entertaining the thousands of visitors. During the afternoon a little Urive about the city disclosed many family reunions, and out-of-town visitors. The day was a real reunion of friends who had once resided in this city, and people who came back to their ol'd home town to see the home folks. Perhaps the very finest thing to say of the celebration is that there was not a serious accident to mar the celebration. The serenading of bands in the early evening held the crowds for the evening dances. The high school gym was packed to capacity. There were more than two thousand people who attended the dance at Geneva, the largest dance crowd to ever attend at-tend a dance at this resort. ml Home Coming Day. Straw. ;rries Enjoyed Huge Throng. nt eighth annual Utah Straw-, Straw-, da, came to a close at xnid-"'!; xnid-"'!; Tttesaay marking one of the K est days yet put over by our prisiag town. Upwards of ten :ia People visited our celebra-'I celebra-'I during the day and all were en-l en-l . ed ty the mammoth parade, of free berries, rodeo, base-Jlorse base-Jlorse pulling contest, aeroplane is tie concessions and the iV"aJ Comments heard throughout fj, proved conclusively that the crowd was well pleased with the Ltly after 9 a. m. the streets of city were thronged with people every town in the state waiting I" 3 parade to begin. All traffic turned from the State highway, it possible for cars to be I Priced from the Orem tracks across I te state highway on the north to Verity limits on the south of the Every bit of the space was for parking except the two Hocks in the center of the city which n;e servea for pedestrains, no 1 tars being allowed to park in town, ill intersecting streets joining the j;stmv were full of parked cars. ' Never in the history of Strawberry jst lias the whole of Utah county ten represented by their bands. Ttcre were nine bands in attendance s follows: Eureka, Payson, Springing Spring-ing Spanish' Fork, American Fork, Lehi, Pleasant Grove Community band and the Strawberry band, the iliiitary .band. The two Medical corps unite from the G. W. Williams Military camp at the Jordan Narrows rere present to help in' the day's irogram. The parade, led by the Pleasant Grove Community Band in their new ! informs, added distinction to the xassion. Miss Hilda Oscarson and la maids of honor, Miss Ruby Harp-r Harp-r and Miss Zelma Driggs, received j Seers from the side lines. Each ;jetn king the prettiest one and so adjudged during each parade. The ;:rade was considered equal to, if wt a little superior to any of the ;rcvlous ones. The many bands lent W to the occasion. Tie serving of the free berries 'M a spectacular sight, the large fcmg waiting to get their serving (tended back and forth thru the We. A large committee dished terles into half pint cups with rtenty of sugar and cream for near- V 'wo hours. Ugh school presented a busy ;cene. Fried chicken dinner was Wed here to the several hundred In the afternoon the program at |