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Show American jork Locals . vrsltanfey Gudmundsen 'fSJU. v'ited re.atives in thl. Jesday evening d Mrs. Jesse Russon and made a business trip to Salt N A. Wing, John Wing and rMrSMayme Wing were business or3 in Tooele Saturday. .., and Mrs7 Steve Woods of Salt city were Sunday visitors at fhome'ot ISt. and Mrs. Thomas I R. Morrison and two cbild-of cbild-of Salt ake City, are here for nl reral weeks visit with her par-J par-J a Mr. and Mrs. B. K Booth. i Mr and Mrs. John Mills and Mrs. ;e Cunningham and daughter, r'lf'z attended the funeral services of' Erastus Bingham, held In Ogden isst Friday- ( j;r and Mrs. Albert Merikofer, sho taTe been livinff In Caliornia L purchased the Alice Campbell mt in toe Third ward, where, they make their future residence. Get our prices, then compare com-pare them with others. Quality always highest. Humphries. Tel. 2-00. adv. Mrs. Lillian K. Brown arrived ym Sunday from Bingham, where ,"te spent several days mith Mr. and i jrSi Harry Brown and family. Her daughter, Virginia, returned to Bing-bai, Bing-bai, where she willl remain indefinitely indefi-nitely at the Brown residence. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Devey, Sr., and amily, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devey, j, and child, Mrs. E. H. Boley and jCis Mayme Wing, were among those rio attended Strawberry Day at Pleasant 'Grove. After spending the past ten days iltiting in Magna, Miss Loraine Stew art returned home Monday evening. Dnlng 'her visit she was a guest at til home of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. LaVerle Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gudmundsen and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Davies of this city in company with Mr. and Mrs. UGrande Gudmundsen of Payson, motored to Copperton Bunday, where (ley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stan-ley Gudmundsen. Sargon, the New Health i Treatment, at B r i g g s Pharmacy. adv. The Second Ward M. I. A. officers isd teachers with the ward contests contes-ts in the recent M. I. A. contests tsloyed a "weenie" roast and bon-party bon-party last Thursday evening at He Thomas Binns farm.. There were present, and all report a jolly tine. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt left 'or Park City Tuesday afternoon. 16 Mr. Leavitt will be employed r a week. Mr. Leavitt is with the Mountaia States Tel. & Tel. Co. and j3 transferred from various points ''fonghout the state In the company's Interesta. Following the work in City, they will go to Roosevelt "r an Indefinite time. Miss Maurine Elton of Dividend, is here for a two weeks visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Niels Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunkley of Salt Lake City, visited with his mother, moth-er, Mrs. Hannah) Dunkley, Sunday. John Wing has accepted a position vith the International Smelting Co. at Tooele, as chemist. He commenced commenc-ed his new activities Monday. Mrs. Leo Meredith and daughter, Carma, went to Salt Lake City Wefl. nesday for a several flays visit with Mrs. Meredith's sister, Mrs. George Boyack. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chadwick spent Monday and Tuesday in Salt Lak9 City, where they attended the Postmasters' Post-masters' Convention held at the New House Hotel. Mr. Chadwick was appointed ap-pointed chairman of the Photo Committee. Com-mittee. George F. Abel in company with Messrs. Charles Webb, Frank Feal and Thomas Nicholes of Riverton, left Wednesday morning by auto for Lees Ferry, Arizona, where they attended at-tended the two day celebration held June 14 and 15 in commemoration of the dedication of the new bridge just erected across, the Colorado River between Utah and Arizona. Enroute home they will visit with Mr. Abel's oldest brother, James E. Shelley, and family at Joseph, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Grant enter-tained enter-tained at dinner Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Grant, Jr., young nuptials of last week. Pink and white were used in the decorating scheme, and pink and white summer flowers were used to form a centerpiece for the table. Covers were laid for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Goates, Miss tfennie Grant of Provo, Warren Goates of Lehi, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Grant of Saratoga Springs, James Grant of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Hendricks Hen-dricks and son, Grover, of Rexburg, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. David Grant, Mrs. O. C. Andreason and Mrs. Howard Ho-ward Nicholes of this city. Mr. and Mrs. James Oler of Shelley Idaho, and Mrs. Hayden Holindruke, were business visitors in the capitol city last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Roberta and baby left Tuesday for Cedar City where they will make their future home. Miss Sarah Chipman left Thursday for Denver, Colorado, where she will visit until the latter part of August with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Wilson. During her stay in Denver, she will study public speaking. Miss Maurine Christensen spent last week in Salt Lake City, guest of Miss Ruth Anderson, whose marriage ocurrefl Wednesday, June 5. Miss Christensen participated in the various vari-ous social functions given in honor of the bride. Mrs. J. P. Aydelotte In company with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. an'd Mrs. Reginald Gustaveson, and daughter, of Salt Lake City, left Wednesday morning for California, where they will visit until the forepart fore-part of July with Mrs. Aydelotte'? daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dempsey, and Mr. Gustaveson's father in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Olsen of California, spent Thursday in the capitol city visiting friends. Mrs. J. J. Bramer and daughter Mary Elaine, of Denver, Colorado, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Culbertson of Salt Lake City, were guests Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Chipman. Mrs. Emima Jenkins, Miss LaRee Chipman, Miss Lorena Clayson. and Charles Walker are among those from this city who are attending Summer School at the Brigham Young University. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bezzant of Ventura, California, former residents of this city, arrived here Monday for a several weeks visit with friends and relatives in American Fork, Pleasant Grove and Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strange, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Crookston, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Crookston and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pierson attended a party in Lehi last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Blanche Evans, given in honor of Miss Birdio Evans, i 7,'ilG is leaving for a trip to New York and Cuba, returning home by way of the Panama Canal. Mrs. Clarence Bowden and family of Salt Lake City, were visiting this week with her mother, Mrs. Emily Paxman. Oliver Andreason of Eureka, spent several days this week visiting his mother, Mrs. O. C. Andreason. Mrs. Roy Boley and daughter. Rose, of Salt Lake City, visited Tuesday Tues-day with the Mrs. Warren Boley and family. Mr. and Mrs. DeLos Adams and son, Dick, and Miss Betty Bartlet were among those from this city who attended Strawberry Day in Pleasant Grove. Sargon, the New Health Treatment, at B r i g g s Pharmacy. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Zimmerman and family of Eureka, spent Tuesday in American Fork at the home of Mrs. Zimmerman's mother, Mrs. Margaret Mar-garet Robinson. Mrs. Ruben Chipman and daughters, daught-ers, Eileen, Sarah and Florence, and Master Kenneth Chipman, visited In Eureka Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Roberts and baby, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Aydelotte Ayde-lotte motored to Ogden Sunday, where they visited with Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Robinson and new baby daughter. daught-er. The young mother was formerly Miss Hazel Aydelotte. Mr. and Mrs. Felt Golden and son returned to their home in Stockton Tuesday, after a week's visit with Mrs. Golden's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Wild. j. P. Christensen spent Sunday In Salt Lake City visiting friends. Mrs. Eddie Rodes returned to American Fork with him for a several days visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown. Miss Eileen Gorden In company with Floyd Loveridge of Lehi, were among those who saw the "Desert Song" at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Webb and son, Keith, and Mrs. K. Ball and two daughters of Salt Lake City, visited Tuesday with Mrs. Webb's and Mrs. Ball's mother, Mrs. Rose H. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greenwood and son of Los Angeles, California, arrived ar-rived here the latter part of - last week for a month's visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Melville and children of Delta and Mrs. Mary Davis of Shelley, Idaho, spent Tuesday Tues-day evening visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Abel and family. Mrs. Melville and Mrs. Davis are daughters daught-ers of John F. Shelley of Pasadena, California. Leading Florists of American Ameri-can Fork. Rohbock & Sons, Phone 137. Funeral designs, de-signs, etc. adv. The Young Mothers Club entertained entertain-ed Friday in honor of Mrs. Pete Jensen, Jen-sen, who is leaving soon for the Jensen Jen-sen sheep camp where she will spend the summer months. The entertainment entertain-ment was held at the Jensen home. Games were enjoyed, followed by a delicious picnic lunch. There were twelve present. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Christensen and children spent Saturday in Salt Lake City visiting with Howard R. Driggs, who is on his way to Seattle and intermediate points, In the interest inter-est of the Oregon Trail. Dr. Driggs will return to New York this month and come west again with his family in the late summer. In honor of the marriage of Miss Fae Anderson and L. Stanford Briggs which' took place Wednesday, May 29, in the Salt Lake Temple, a miscellaneous miscellan-eous shower was given Friday, June 7, at the home of Mr. Briggs' mother, Mrs. Lawrence Briggs. The enter-tainging enter-tainging rooms were decorated in a color scheme of pink and white, the motifs used being peonies. Pink and green predominated in the other house decorations and refreshments. Various games were enjoyed during the afternoon, as well as several readings by Mrs. Helen Heisclt. Mrs. William Chipman assisted the hostess. hos-tess. The guests numbered fifty. Sickly Boy, 7, Gains 15 Lbs Father Happy "My boy, 7, would not eat. I gave him Vinol and the way he eaU and plays now makes me happy. He gained gain-ed 13 pounds." J. F. Andres. Vinol is a delicious compound of cod liver peptone, iron, etc. The very FIRST bottle often adds several pounds weight to thin children or adults. Nervous, easily tired, anemic people are surprised hoT Vinol gives new pep, sound sleep and a r.IG- appetite. ap-petite. Tastes delicious. Thornton Drug Company. adv. Misses Mary Abel and Guelda Els-more, Els-more, spent Sunday in Provo visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Storrs of Iowa, were visitors Thursday, at the Alm Dlsen home. Mrs. Harold S. Tucker of Provo, is at the home of her sister, Mrs. De Los Adams, for an indefinite visit. Mrs. James M. Grant and daughter, Dorothy, attended L. D. S. conference in Salt Lake City Saturday an'd Sunday. Sun-day. Miss Evelyn Adams of Pleasant Grove, was a week-end guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. S. Richards. Rich-ards. Mr. and Mrs. Neldon Birk and children, Betty and Jack, were among the American Fork visitors in Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove on Strawberry Day. Mesdames Sadie Meredith, Eleanor Grant and Bessie Ovard, were among those who attended Primary Convention Conven-tion In Salt Lake City Saturday. Mrs. Roy Reeder and son, Max, and Mrs. Emma Chase of Berkley, California, Cali-fornia, are here for ah indefinite visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Grant. Mrs. Hayden Holindrake returned home last week from Shelley, Idaho, where she was called several weeks ago on account of the death of her brother, James Oler. During her stay she visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Oler. Mr. and Mrs. Frank- Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown attended attend-ed the "Goldfish" at the riayhouse Theatre, Salt Lake City, last Wednesday Wednes-day evening. This play marked the farewell performance of the Metropolitan Metro-politan players for this season. Saturday and Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Evans were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown, Mrs. D. Workman, Miss Virginia Brown of Park City, Miss Mary Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Mate Tanner, Miss Rynders of Salt I-ake City, Mr and Mrs. George Tanner and son of Kemmerer, Wyoming, and Miss Sarah Sar-ah Hatch of Price. Tuesday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Loveridge and three children, Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Coleman and daughter and Miss Simpson of Salt Lake City. The Ladies Literary Association were guests of Mrs. Abe Gudmundsen and Mrs. Bernard Christensen at the laUer's home Thursday afternoon. The rooms were attractive with bouquets bou-quets of red, white and blue flowers, representing Flag Day. The rmgram and luncheon were also carried out! to correspond wiUi the central theme cf the occasion. Stories from the ,rCook of Life" were read by Mrs. C. j A. Pierson during the afternoon. Among the special guests were, Mr.?.! Mark E. TVzzant of Ven'ura, Califor- : nia, Mrs. Ed Street of Payson, Mr-;.;. Ray r. Nicholas, Mrs. C. E. Young, ! Mrs. XI. E. Booth and Mrs. A. B i AT. I! |