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Show Items of Local Interest "Till" Done and family of Payson, were visiting friends here Strawberry Day. Mrs. Melba' Cluff and" Miss Laura Walker spent the week-end with Salt Lake relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Atwood attended attend-ed Wasatch Co.'s Dairy Day, at Charleston Friday. Mrs. David S. Taylor and Mrs. N. Lee Kirk visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Thornton Friday. Mrs. M. S. Christiansen attended L. D. S. conference at Salt Lake Friday, Fri-day, Saturday and Sunday. Howard G. War nick returned home this week from the Lehi Hospital, where he was recently operated on for a ruptured appendix. Mrs. Harry Oscarson and Miss Florence Oscarson of Salt Lake, visited visit-ed Strawberry Day with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Oscarson and family. C. P. Warnick, one of our aged citizens, has been ill for some time with bronchial asthma as a result of the influenza he suffered with during the winter. Mrs. Ruth Farmer aud family of Provo, Mrs. Mabel Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Barratt and family of American "Fork were guests of their mother, Mrs. M'ary Wadley, Tuesday. o Mrs. A. B. Walker spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with relatives in Magna. President and Mrs. W. W. Warnick amd Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Christiansen were Salt Lake visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edmun Cragun were L. D. S. conference visitors at Salt Lake Sunday. Leo and Burnell West left Monday for a trip through Colorado and Texas selling woolen goods. Charles Sundberg and Mrs. Ethel Ainsley of Salt Lake, visited Wednesday Wednes-day with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Warnick Tuesday. Miss Effle Warnick, who has been attending the University of Chicago for the past year, arrived home Friday. Fri-day. Myron F. West of Pleasant Grove, is a student in the Graduate School of Business Administration, at the New York University. Miss Helen Monson returned Sunday Sun-day after a three weeks visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Hannah M'onson, of Bait Lake. The Misses Viola and Nellie Minor of Manankato, Minn., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Swenson Thursday. Thurs-day. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Oler of Shelley, Idaho, visited with Mrs. Olers parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nelson, for several days last week. ' Mr. an'd Mrs. F. E. Eldredge and family and Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Eldredge El-dredge and family of Granger, visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Merrill N. Warnick. Don't surmise (Jet our lower prices on quality flowers, flow-ers, plants, etc. Humphries, Telephone 2-00. adv. Mr. and Mm E. G. Thomas and Mrs. L. J. Hutchings of American Fork, visited with Mrs. Rollo Thornton Thorn-ton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Elton and children of Dividend, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson Wednesday. Wednes-day. Mrs. Mary B. Hales was in Salt .Lake to attend conference. She visited with her son, Brown, at the L. D. S. Hospital, while there. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Erlandson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Erlandson of Payson, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Thornton on Strawberry Day. The family of Mrs. A. B. Walker, and other relatives and friends attended at-tended the evening session at the Salt Lake Temple Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. Walker's birthday. Cyril tlohnson returned Thursday from the Lehi Hospital, where he recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bingham and Mrs. Flossie Trinnerman of Ogden, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hooley. |