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Show Mutual Dell To Open Next Saturday With Institute M 1 1 1 U bill, .-; II til 111 ; r ll'lllH.- of tlir; Tiin:.-moo'f, Alpine itli'l I)ii Stake .'.. . A.'s I j l f f I In American Fork rariyon, l:i Id be officially fi:ii-(l next Satunlay, Jiiik: hy an Institute of Ihe. ofliceni of the Muluals of tin; three Hl.-ik'-rf. 1-Jx jjf.-rt:i along various lii:r-M uf i-eerca' ion, hiking, flowers ami tialiiri: Kludy have been secured ,y Ihi' Stake I'.oaiMH to instruct the i-i-ii-i-'ii-iita'ivcn present at the con-vi con-vi fi I ion . Meals will In; fi'ivod right at the lu ll ;uol a hli;ht fee charged. It Is x ji-c 1 1 i that at. li-a.it one representative represen-tative from tin; Presidency and Com-niiiiiily Com-niiiiiily Activity coin m it'f.-o of both tin: Young Ladies ami the Yoiii.i! Men will In; r-8-nt. All ward officers are urged to .sec Hiat a good repre-kc repre-kc illation will he H attendanee. Commencing on Ihe following Monday Mon-day morning, June 21, the Timpano-gus Timpano-gus Stake will go to the Dell for three weeks ending July 17. The Lehl Slake starts on July 18 and ends on August 7. Alpine Stake leaves August Au-gust 8 and remains until August 28. The Alpine ward will go first, then the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Highland wards will go in line respectively. re-spectively. One of the biggest changes of the pell this year will be in the personnel. per-sonnel. A matron has been arranged to care for the hut and grounds instead of a caretaker, as has previously pre-viously been had. Several needed improvements have been made and all indications point to a successful season of Mutual summer outings. o f |