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Show It is easy for a well person to be happy. The sick suffer and there is little chance to smile joyfully when pain knaws and sickness sick-ness depresses the spirit. There is hope H for the sick in CHIROPRACTIC Thousands are finding full restoration to health in Chiropractic Adjustments. Should you consult the Chiropractor, you might be H equally successful. Science is always on the m move. Don't dismiss the Science of Chiro-m Chiro-m m-actic with a passing thought. Investigate M its merits. Let it be made known to your nearest Chiropractor that you want full information, and same will be given; con- N sultation costs you nothing. A few adjust- m ' E monts will convince you that Chiropractic Pj ' will correct tho cause of "dis-ease"' and put k jB yu in jju ..-t -,;..,! of good health conditions. jl i im Tf you arp pff iVted in any way, look up tho I m Chiropractor. M J CHIROPRACTOR ! 1 PALMF'R GRADUATE I J Arimo Block, South Stairway, raj iii i BIG 1)01 1 Alt DAY 1 i Ve offer for sale on the BIG I ! DOLLAR DAY the following I goods at greatly reduced prices. 10 yds of Scrim $1.00 Regular price 20 to 30c per yard $1.25 and 1.50 Curtains for $1.00 a pair . $1.25 and 1.50 Pictures for $1.00 j I each . One special lot of 40 Medona Pictures Pic-tures Regular price $2.00 will be sold for $1.00 i Lundstrom Furniture & Carpet Company Advertising keeps tho old ones, 1 1 Exporlenco tho Best Teacher. It Is generally admitted that experience ex-perience Is tho best teacher, but should we not mako uso of the ex- : i perlenco of others as well as our own? Tho exporlenco of a thousand persons Is moro to bo depended upon than that ot ono Individual. Many thousands of persons havo used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs and colds with tho best results, re-sults, which shows it to bo a thoroughly thor-oughly rollablo preparation for thoso diseases. Try It. It Is promptTScl effectual and pleasant to tako. adv. O. S. L. Train Schedule e Arrive pron, No. 119 8:35 a. m Cacho Junction and North I S" ,fr Vlr a m Beaton B No. 11G 3:4C p. m Preston 9 No. 121 5:40 p. m Cacho Junction, North and South No. 11 8:20 p. m aalt Lak0 CUy. Depart For Sn ion" n!o? a ra," Sa,t Lal City S -.Vnn a- m " Cach0 Junotlon and North No. 115 12:30 a. m.. Proston m0, Hn V'il V- m " O"000 JunctlonTnd North Better Results . i . IF YOU HAVE A ROOM FOR RENT You can rent it through the use of the Want Ad. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Can readily he disposed of through tho use of a small Want Ad. HELP MALE AND FEMALE ! Can be obtained. The best kind of employees read I ' the Want Ads for their personal ad- I I j vancement or betterment. I j j NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT I I A house, a room, a dog, cat, horse or auto-help, 1 I both clerical and labor and last of all ' a business of any kind B Q Eh YOU SHOULD USE I I The Logan Republican Want Ads in order to get the 1 best applicants. I 'For Further InXornmlion and Rates 1 Use Phono .18, 1 |