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Show Tho saving will be big, Tho candy strlckly fresh, Tho pleasuro of a salo will bo mutual at W. F. Jensen's whero quality rules. Adv. 9-11 DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS 100 useful articles, valued from $1.00 to $5.00, all going on Dollar day. Tako a chance. Positively evory packugo has $1.00 to $5.00 in merchandise, tho greatest vnluos ovor offered. Lafount Hardware Co. adv. 9-8. m Watch our windows for Dollar P Day Candy Special. W. F. Jenson fiiiB Confectlonory. Adv. 9-11 :LH iH SPECIAL HATES TO LOGAN ,H September 12th. Tickets good re- iiifl turning Soptomber 13th via "THE ELECTRIC WAY," account Logan's Annual Community Dollar Day Salo. M Danco In tho ovonlng in tho Audi- H torlum. Special musle and two H bands. SPECIAL TRAINS LEAVE H LOGAN, Southbound 11:30 p. m., H Northbound 12:30 a. m. OGDEN, H LOGAN & IDAHO RV. COMPANY. H BIDSWANTED Bids will bo rccolved by tho Amal- IfliiH gamatcd Sugar company, Logan, up EjH to Soptombor 15th, 1917, for tho fol- BiH lowing: il For trucking and piling their j sugar output for the 1917 campaign. H For tho operation of their boarding iiiifl houso during the. 1917 campaign. iB&ih For the purchase of beet tailings ll from their beet flumes, 1917 cam- Iliiifl For full particulars apply to I. J. Clark, superintendent. adr. 9-8. H |