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Show I (local news H A COLUMN OF WHICH EVERY READER IS ASKED H TO CONSIDER HIMSELF OR HER8ELK AN EDITOR B i B Cyrus Hullen of lUchmond was a town visitor on Thursday. BBBBI B Dancing nt Ellto Unll Sept. 8. B Music by Wcllnvlllo band. adv. 0-8. BBBBb E. W. IiUndnhl, Jr., has purchased . a homo at 308 Cast Second South, I whore ho will reside hereafter. BBBBM t HB Carpenters, laborers nnd brick lay- BB ers wanted. Apply Dahlo & Eccles. B l'liono G3. adv. 9-8. Hb . BBb Gcorgo S. Dallies of Hyde P.trk BB was In tlio county scat transacting BB business on Thursday. BBBBH B roil SALT: Three-burner oil BB range, complete with largo oven. H .Phono 53. adv. 0-8. BBBBBp. BBBBBJ BB Alfred 0. Plcot expects to leave BB loday for Lot Angeles, where- ho goes BB to visit with his mother. Ucforo ro- BH turning homo he will go to San Tran- BH Cisco on business. BBT - Hv Itooms for rent. 337 North 1st H West. adv. 9-18. BBBBBB) BB I. K. Illllmnn and daughter of 0- BBj ford were visiting In Logan on Thurs- BBf day, having stopped off hero on their BBf way homo from a business outing in BBl Salt Lake. Miss Illllmnn Is making BBl arrangements to attend school In Lo- BB g.in again thli winter. bbbbbbI H l'OIt KENT Nicely ftirnibhed BBl room for light housekeeping. Would BBh llko to rent to Homo lacy who !i BBh working and who would llko to nc- BBV sfst in keeping adjoining looms tidy. BBh Apply this office. adv 9-S BBf BB BBf St. John's Chill (h. BBl Sunday, Sept. 9. Sen Ices at 11 BBh !Hi,-, morning prajer and sermon; BBk S p. m., eoning senlco and nddrcss. BBM Sunday school will bo resumed on Scptepiber 1C, H Itev. E. T. LEWIS, Hector. BBBBBBbI BBV Orlu W. Allen of tills city has re- BBV eelved notlco to appear buforo tho BBV local exomptlon board and get trans- BBV 1ortatlou for American I.ako. He is BBV onu of i tho first to answer to th BBB draft call and expects to leave for BBV Washington on Sunday. BBV Joseph E. Wilson, Jr., tho con- BBB tractor,. left yesterday afternoon for BBB Bancroft! with his family, whero ho BBB goes to take up active contract work BBB on thQ,clJy shlewalks at th.it place BBB Ho Js putting in about rIx miles ol BBB walk. coijrlng the business section BBH as wpjl as parts of tho residence dls- BBB Irlct or town. Tho contract will run H into about f 3G.O00. BH i i j .Marriage licenses hau iieen pro BBH rured from Cle.irk Mathows by the H following. i: H Godfrey ot Clarks BBBt wvtvivv' B i DR. E. J. MERRILL m I (i osteopath.;,; i H $ U127 East Urtl Norlli. ( u BBBJ $ TicitiiH'iits by AlIHliitnn'iit. B lMiono BBBJ IVWMWWVMMMMVM1 H , 'school time is B shoe time BBBl Vllavo Tlicm "ltoyjilly" ltetittllt. BBBl i'31'ai ii H iroVlvfj 'r.iioi: nni'ATiUN'G co.' BBBl 7 Main Street TOgnn, Utnli. BBBK .2-1 .rpj .Iti'l'nyJiil.-ijoe ,i:, BBBB ' gsHb B.V -HBsB lIiBBBBBBBBBBbW'' ton, Vivian Larsen of Nowton; 1). P. Murray of Wellsvlllo, Mabel Shipley, Paradise; Wllford Harlow and Delia Jcnson, both of Preston; W. E. Taylor Tay-lor of Yost nnd ltachel Crowther of Logan; Niels Nlelson of Mlllville and Llla Downs ot Logan; L. T. Ilalph and Mario Thorpe, both of Logan; L L. lloopenbeck of Salt Lako and Constanco I'cterson of Logan. Judge C. C. Goodwin, formely of this city, but now a full fledged Cali-fornlan Cali-fornlan residing at Long Beach, Is in tho city on a visit. Ho Is guest of his son Clifton C. Goodwin. Tho Judgo Is the samo congenial fellow that he was boforo leaving hero and seems to bo more than pleased to meet nnd grasp the hand of his former form-er friends. Tho biggest bargain ever offered In an automobile In Logan practically practical-ly now machlno, five-passenger, cost $2300, handsome touring car, practically prac-tically all now tires, painted battleship battle-ship grey. Wo will sell for cash, terms, or will trade for a Ford and bnlanco cash. Call todny at C. A. Qulgley nuto shop, First North. adv. 9-S. Christian Sclenco services will be held Sunday nt 11 a. m. In Hoom 7 of the Arlmo building. Reading room open dally. Hanging Baskets each $1.00 j$1.25 Ferns $1.00 2 7Cc Cyclamens $1.00 15 10c Plants $1.00 CACHE VALLEY FLOHAL CO. E. II. Glbbs received a telephone communication from his mother, who resides nt Arlmo, yester, and sho says a severe hailstorm swept over that . section on Thursday nnd did much I damage In its path. J. S. Hendricks lost over 2000 bushels of grain which has not been harvested. Much damage dam-age was done on tho farms of Messrs. Tripp and Vaughn, also. |