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Show MEETING OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Tho Public Library board mot on Wednesday evonlng at tho library room in tho Preston block. Tho following fol-lowing members were present: Miss Mary Sorenson, Miss Edith Bowen, Miss Margaret Wilkinson, Messrs. Hoy Bullcn, Joseph Odoll, J. E. Shop-ard, Shop-ard, Weston Vernon, and E. T. Lewis. Tho attendance of library users Is increasing steadily. Over $300 worth of books have been purchased during tho year'ln addition to tho 2500 volumes vol-umes which were contributed. Another An-other $100 worth will bo added shortly. short-ly. Tho collection of children's hooks is excellent. Over 40 of tho leading magazines; are regularly received and aro much enjoyed by thoso who frequent the rooms. It was decided to change tho hours of opening so that it would bo accessible acces-sible between G and 7 p. in. for those going homo from business or shopping shop-ping and waiting for cars. Tho library li-brary room will bo open dally from 2 to 5 p. m. and from 6 to 0 p. m. On Sundays tho hours are from 3:30 until C-.30. Signs to mark tho room moro prominently will soon be In place. The board organized for tho year is as follows: President, Weston Vernon; Vern-on; vlco president, Joseph Odoll; Secretary, Sec-retary, Miss Margaret Wilkinson. Tho commltteo on slto of building hopes to reach deflnlto results shortly. Quostlons and eugestlons will bo welcomed by any of tho board members. |