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Show mWHim!mmi H 5 , ti Jtt3 fJlr H . I bbbbbb 7 y BBBBB S ' fBk-BBBk ! " " "il J I 2" " A tit .Iflflfcli' j I I Opening the "Book of Fashion" to portray the trend of the mode for Autumn and I I winter, 1917-18 A showing of Favored Styles in Womens and Missesy Suits, Coats, I I Dresses, Blouses, Skirts, Millinery, Shoes, Fabrics and the Accessories of Dress u m ( -s t - fc H r ' 31 Dresses of Simple Showing of Fall JS A Most Attractive Showing of tsA -a. m I A-::::. fm Smartness Suits ll 'v WOMEN'S FALL SHOES F ; bH . $ '-6rto-i-? MOSGh . ,, , , ., ,i iJLi v$ Now Ready for Your Inspection . h d M ' J -i. . -: ffivZilM' ThoUO-h ?imnlicitv is the kev- Whctlicr pleated or plain, the skirts tgm ' . 1 , J - UnfHEi ln,Ugi " lPi ,y S, , e Key, himit quite mralght nnil nn oftlmcs " Kf ;i , -s U ! d H ! . ' Y HE note 01 the tall models, and m.,.y conconkxl, for the conts vry H ' - ,. . . I oi H ' V A lull l vff narrow Graceful lines pre- '" u,u, k"K,h to wU,,,n n fc,v Mli individual Attention to Every ' &" i ' XVl A 1 llB i i. l 1.1 Inches of the skirt-hem. Coats aro JAMA Pnfvnn TViof To D,,. TJi;t i'l I 8 H ! AV MIM vail, styles are greatly var- 8tl,llB,lt of n0 mi imvo novel coi- JW--. nation that Is Our Policy. J' IB t jS J VUk km U u ,ci1' Skl,,s nro '""rower, gathered jars. i)elm or girdles outline waist. SHi smb. H i i ( i. F I ILfeH or ph'ntwl nt tho valHtllne; Mmo xicht fitting sleeves and pockets nro RlS i'i..i., m T D ... .... . .. CskK V B : ' VT CTl imvidrarles; great rarloty noticed. Fur dominates JJ VnT.i11 ' 1 MU",,nt'M Wl,h 1 B i -" 3 of collars, llelts and nmIim ,- among trlmmhigs. Serges. -B We make a study or each customer All - ) i -, (J Bra me popular; sleeves arc full W gZrdlnes. s.lverton nd Wgfr "flfTL T"", T i Si M l k Tife k',,Kth; sntl'l', scrKL's ,ul W4 hrowlclothii nro popular. "W el ta aaapted to thelr feet- J V 1; VAiinrrv , truly B -4 SCU jfl "rTlg 5E J Tho wnVvrZUKn '9 nU fTfii I "Sl'IOir. OF TUB J upuard, fWJA Wc range from ,10 up, H. iJTaSlS FFHted '& I mJiSSronpq Coats I Hang Quite inB, Pleats Among The VaSLiSJSkM L H Featuring ,, those xohhy Straight ' Fall Skirts .Our Nature Shape Free advice on your c H Soft Trimmed Huts. Though nil-cm eloping and generous of 1 if f skirts ore simple and Always designed to give BroadWalK Or FOOT TROUBLFS ' IH I nroroecomZ'toboTdwm, W,,l,l, C"tS ml"e"r ' ",0 ,cn,-,to! ' M A tho youthful, stralght-llne effect, rieats aro Playmate UneS by "SchoU" foot appliance " J M I soft crown soft brims anil In -'' Muny ni-o full length, some shorter. UJllMLyi Introduced Iti many novel ways; some styles Answer AH llequlremcnts for Fit, expert. He will show you B f many semi-soft effects. JuBt Ulg convcrtablo collai-s nnd capo styles are L' nro entirely side or box-pleated. PockcU of Look andScnice. how to ovcrcomo tho dls- I x M i unpacked. $3.4)0 and upwards. notable feat ure.s. Uelts, girdles and straps WliML novel fonn npear on othenvlso plain sklrU. nM1i,Hm.(iii..niti comforts and pnhn you I c LH t ivnivisimv wiviii aro splendid, lllg cuffs will l.so bo worn. JAW Bolts and girdles aro prominent. Headquarters for CoUcgo OlriV I.ow now have. Attendance I H WIJ)M.SI)A SPKCIAIi &mTY h ' and Medium lleol Shoes Ilecently early In the day advised. I H I wo itciMto You Prices range $12.50 and up. w Price range $5.00 and up. Adopted by tho Colleges. (shoe Dept.j . I 1 SLOOfallVat Fall Silks Dress Goods Percales Ginghams Now In $1-00 DISCQUT 2s M' Omen's shoes I P F,m 90JSO and upwards. dli UI C55 UUUUd, I CI t dlC5 Ulllglldlll HUW 111 N "" V ,r,,m $7.4)0 up. Kpech.1 for Wednesday, Sept. la I 1- m ri v . . I 1H i "ZZ" --- . . v-"r ci nnSPEClALS IN special 1 1 i IH I ' fV .' V OffyJJ??! A P TIT i A OliUU Shoe Department COMBINATION I m n &rj7irjf -JgtotbwsfZryjrfiJ V L U I I For w,:i)Ni:si)ay. st. assortments I i LH H . A LiA jftmjTjfim 414"" (&' I I "TOlJcn ,lots n Women's High in DHUO DEPA11T.MENT I I bH T Wtmr 1rWwl4 M fr f JtWTfiAKjWWwTwM gm 111 I I. I Grade Shoes, Pinups and Oxfords On Snln Wn.ln.!v h - . . I ' aB ' i SU T 1 V I " ! fJ2iS,'Il,j1,ttlcnt' Sei,t. is) for.?.!!!"?.. $1.00 I H - As a final clean-up for tho season, 1 Imperial Nail Polish 5c I H LADIES' UNIONS Children's Embroidered Barred Lawn School aK. ro!1 XUESI)AY ANoD tlwy K" nt 81-" ft 'mlr- a' fc rowder.:::::.".':: 25c H 35o and coc nnguiar ?J$I?I?.SoIS4TS HANDKERCHIEFS "'J!!!!"12' Lace and Emb. Trimmed i rafbort? cowSaTiZ.".' iS H H WcMneMlay Special $1.13 to 2.19 Values. 4Poi.RinO "PEET'S" CREME OIL nimmta j s. & 0. Tooth Pa8to ;- 2 H ij - ,-. tf.sj rkx Wednesday Special IQ OIUrpi.W CnAT MusKtl 0101 J talcum Powder 15c J H 4 For $1.00 . 49c children's Plain white toilet soap Combinations, DP j abenrcoVton:::::::::::::::: ?n ; H . TTTTZ School Handkerchiefs 4 Cakes 25c "77 J Powder Pu" 100 o B V O.NE LOT , k vv E LOT H 1 t AnirSnt apS? hhw Misses' and Children's 36 For $1.00 Regular io. a cake. yonPWAWW 4i aa Tota " 1 B m LADIES BLACK HOSE WOOL SWEATERS vuiuij WAIblb 04 AA all fou $i.oo. 1 M ft 5c Values For Wednesday 18 to JtMnch PT?T7TC CDrPTAT 2 for. ullUU LH t . . . ,v Values to ?C.OO, d -I H T?AfnnnTni?WV rHitil t bF.Ll,lAL W"VV. COMniNATION NO. 2. f LH & 4 Pair $100 Wexlnesday Social $1A)U rrJSS5 rrAUPmcAAn r,.nnnor, , Ajl .. 1 Toilet Water. IDc i H t rair ipi.uu gighUy glc TUrougll IandUngi FLOUNCINGS TOILET SOAP Crepe & Fleeced 0111 witch iiaioi cream 25c f , Values to 16.00 per yard ,..-. n,, KIMONAS OliUU J aco Powdor 39c LADIES' 35c VESTS 35c FANCY RIBBONS iSfcv" $1.00 orX lnn , ? SS !Z iS ! H i Wwlnesday SKclal Assorted Patterns If Desired Z4VaKeS Jpl.UU Percale 1 Tooth Pasto 25o 1 H A vr1c $1 OH 17-Inch lawc . HOTTCJF! aj ma x Nal1 Br"s 15c 8 F' $- y S $1,0 - TOWELIN100 BUNGALOW APRONS Ss $1.00 ,I j B B TAnTTg' FANPY SPECIALS IN ART i'r $1.00 ..,. jfc- all i.oit$i.oo. H I QITKHO DEPARTMENT n.oo worth to a customer. a?Se $1.00 Women's , COMUIXX NO. a. H fl .rrrT7,V Snmll Hoys' llwulyslnado StnmpcMl Sl'KCIAL LOT 20c AND 23c 1 Hand Mirror C9c t . 'VKi&'ySr Ka2KS4.,!TO.S curtain nets b - ff r-J1 DO 2 S $1.00 Per Pair TL. 39c 7 Yards $1.00 FettiScoats.S ,00 llZZU , - . H W vaiuos to z.25. AX'h VOn '-00- i B ij Spools J. & P. QCrf Vl .tOnSt " 60c POPULAR FICTION B J SpOOl Cotton....- ZJL I tyJ II l Wednesday S,KclnI H coo ycrtu to a Customer. W II A M V V A 2 CPiCS ?1'00 H I SAVE $1.00 ON YOUR f II " I "T "Tr SSnoedf JeZwebsrl'Xco ? ' H ? FALL HAT OLk lam tl MkBA I A lal LLa W 1 a H.a V ,. ha Harold Doll WrlghtwnMcLeod H I Any hat marked $0.50 over V11 f I IVI fl I 1 W f ITI Tl I I I fl ll l fl W J!!!wV n ,ar0y' Ja,Ck Lndn; -SMKi- V f 2.98 SbSS H tkl AH I heels and low heels, doodyear welt H I W W , soles; values to $0.00. Now' your B AiaatmmmmammMmmmmmtamKmmmmKamimmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmtmmmmmmtmmmmmmmm, . chance, for Wednesday only $9.03 F , 'aaBBBBam -.- V' ' "alBBBBBm BBBB ' aWBBBBBBBBK BBBBBbW ' aBBBBBBBBBBBk. bIbIB bIIbbIbIbK afafafafafBk, LbbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLbW . Wi J"''"1WF -IBBBBaBBBaaMBBBBPBBBBBWBWBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB |