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Show Cash Special At Cache Valley Mercantile Company On I I DOLLAR DAY I I , A 20 bars SiSdS S'S 5 ' Cr? FIakeS 7 $L0 1 doz- Tumblers thin S1'00 I ! 1 5 1-lb. cans Calumet RSr""p7rrT l 4 bott es Loju or GraPe Juice (reg 30c ?1'00 1 set Dinner Plates (white, gold, decorated).. $1.00 f 9 pkgs SUver Gbss Starch ( S'XS i tleS PicWeS (reg 30c and 35c) $1'00 White and Gold Water Pithers ' -00 I 2 Brooms (65c recO " ! HS 3"lb' can Steel Cut Coffee SL00 Cl,t Glass Vases $1-00 I 12 can Red Sea o? RT S'H 4 pkgs' Coffee $1-00 HaviIand Plates ?l-0 I M 5 Ss Rice ?reff25c Pfc" S'SS 4 Cans Rogers Peanut Butter (1 lb) 1M Hand Painted Plates l-0 I H 4 ?an TomatoS fVrfkr iL" 'T !HK ? ?as R,ogers Peanut Butter (21- lb- $L0 White China covered Veg. Dishes (Bavarian)., $1.00 I 4 cans Earif JunTW ?Ll5Ci k n) 7 SI'00 4 Uh' Pkgs- Cocoa - 51.00 1 set Soup Plates (3-spray China) 1. $1.00 I -. 20 s Matehes ( g 5 an) I J'00 5 bottles Hires Root Beer (reg 1M Cream and Sugar (cut glass) ..' $1.00 I jfl 8 pkls nbc cm;w77;;;7v""jr !HS i doz-2-qt Mason Jars $L0 1 set 3-sPray chna plat ( & G-) i.o I 4 bottled ; Blue Lkbel SS2,1Jany kmd) g'X! &tel5 (ex,tra large) $L0 Puf f Box and Hair Receiver 1 LOO I ' 4 tarn fnke Albf Lq17Tr--r-T !H X.atoi; Sets (reg' $1'25) $1M Smoker's Sets (brass) .. $1.00 I ! 9 ffirfOn?, ?T?S?at80rWheat l1M Chocolate Sets (reg. $1.50) ...., $1.00 Manicure Sets (China) $1.00 1 8 SkS" "Not a s2d feni S'JJ ?ardiners reS- -50) $1-00 Hammered Brass Trays $1.00 I ' pkgs. JNot a Seed Raisins $1.00 1 doz. Tumblers (extra heavy) $1.00 Hand-painted Celery Trays $1.00 ' I We sell for cash. Make your Dollars save you Cents by trading here Cache Valley Merc. Co. we,Soeders I I Big Annual Community Dollar I I I ' Day Sale I 1 I LOGAN, Wednesday S pet ember 12th I rt BARGAINS -:- BARGAINS -:- BARGAINS I l I All kinds. Watch the store windows. Merchants will offer many in- I 'M I ducements. Sales in all stores.. Commence at 8 a. m. sharp. I 9 1 1 Band concert 5 to 7 p. m. on Tabernacle Square by the Logan Military I M I Band Special features at the theatres I jl I Grand ball at the Auditorium, Continuous dancing; Logan Military and I fl I Hyde Park Bands. Tickets 75c. Cars after dance. Special railroad rates. H H j MM.M...wBMBBBBBM.T.TBtBTBBtBlinaMMMBWBBWMMW i4 I If You Wish Your Dollar To Perform Its Greatest Purchasing Power, Visit the Logan Merchants Listed Below I tJ I Wednesday, September 12th. They Will Make It Worth Your While jH twWq Economy Supply Co. ,J,. Utah Power & Light Co. , , Cache Valley Commission, R ID I SurSlrn ' ' Caohc Valley Mercantile Co, v ( Larscn Hardware Co. ,--, Harris Music Co. il I JJor5uICSi i-ffwr J H. Anderson. t':J Lafount Hardware Co. ;'- ' Thatcher Music Co. Q WM I T,m,teh",nJ ft Sons ' John Johnson Grocery. .& Evertson & Sons. -:;i Riter Bros Drug Co. ,1 M I Andreas Pctcisqn & Sons. Abraham Jorgeson Grocery. , Spando Furniture Go. ''-.... Co-op Drug Co. w.; H I 2"? TuSlcn ' i 'I Logan Cash Store. , Xi .'. Lnndslrom Furniture Co, . -, -," City Drug Co. M I Hub Clothing Co. . ii RalmUssen Bazaar. .. ' Edwards Furniture Co. ," Con. Wagon & Machine Co. M Joseph 'Newborn. H G Hayball. I " ." James W. Quayle. "f . '; Barber, Sonne & Thomas Mach. Co. R WM Star Clothing Lo. Bell Brothers Market. - Moses Lewis. . J ' , Studcbaker Brothers. H Cardon Jewelry Lo. . stenhen Hailstone. ' ' Edwards Millinery. 1 "" Logan Arms & Sporting Goods. B mM I & E; Necdhnm Jowclrj Co. Chicago Meat Market. Eliason Sister. R. M. Rolfson Sporting Goads. H I g. M. Wcndclboe. Murdock Candy Co. '-. -V" Golden Rule. : .' Cache Farmers Equity. I B City Grocery. ' . , . f . Tho Bluebird. ." F. G. Wilkinson. 1 . ' ' N. J. DcSanders. M Palace Grocery. ; ;. , . . , w F Jcnscn Candy Co Fonncsbcck Knitting Work's. Cache Valley Floral Co. "' - H JiH |